Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] council of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A reorganization of the Council of Ministers was carried out in April 1990 [ see p. 37375 ] .
2 The action was described as a " very dangerous precedent for European political co-operation " by the Irish Foreign Minister and current President of the Council of Ministers , Gerry Collins .
3 The Italian Foreign Minister , Gianni De Michelis , speaking in his current capacity as President of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) , said that " I hope this is the first step towards complete compliance with UN resolutions " .
4 Eddy Fernandez Boada replaced Antonio Esquivel Yedra in September as Minister of Light Industry , although Esquivel remained a Vice President of the Council of Ministers .
5 This is a promotion of parliament at the expense of the council of member-governments .
6 A common position is , in effect , the last and combined word perhaps on a majority vote of the Council of Ministers , prior to possible amendment by the European Parliament at Strasbourg .
7 On April 9 the government adopted a decree restoring ownership of land and property nationalized during 1947-62 by acts of the Council of Ministers .
8 The deputy chairman of the council of ministers , Boris Shcherbina , forbade evacuation of the countryside around Chernobyl until a government commission had arrived from Moscow .
9 When it landed , the Americans had no steps tall enough to reach it , a gratifying start except for the fact that the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and his party had to climb down an emergency ladder hand over hand .
10 In their tasks they are answerable to the VPK , the Central Committee and the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers for Defence Production .
11 Apart from the General Secretary , all authorities known to the author count amongst its permanent members the Minister of Defence ( Marshal Sergey Sokolov ) and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers ( Nikolay Ryzhkov ) .
12 When Khrushchev was removed in 1964 , he was replaced by Brezhnev as first secretary of the CPSU and by Kosygin as chairman of the Council of Ministers .
13 Although he remained as chairman of the Council of Ministers his influence waned compared to that of Brezhnev , who eventually became formal head of state in addition to party secretary .
14 A meeting of the party central committee on Jan 24 elected to replace him Ayaz Niyaz ogly Mutabilov , the Chairman of the Council of Ministers , at the same time expelling Vezirov from the party .
15 Gasan Aziz ogly Gasanov was appointed as the new Chairman of the Council of Ministers on Jan. 26 .
16 In an interview with Japanese reporters on Feb. 17 , the Chairman of the Council of Ministers , Dumaagiyn Sodnom , indicated that the MDU demands were being taken very seriously by the leadership ; according to the Japanese news agency Kyodo , Sodnom said : " I can not say that the monopoly over the political system is right .
17 Laos and Thailand formed joint co-operation committees on Oct. 6 , 1989 , headed by Gen. Chaovalit Yongchaiyut , the Thai Army C.-in. -C. , and Gen. Sisavat Keobounphanh , the Chief of General Staff of the Lao People 's Army and Minister in the Office of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers .
18 Kaysone Phomvihane , Chairman of the Council of Ministers and LPRP general secretary , on Nov. 8 , 1989 , on the second day of a five-day visit to Japan , met the Japanese Prime Minister , Toshiki Kaifu .
19 Do Muoi , hitherto a Vice-Chairman , became Chairman of the Council of Ministers on June 22 , 1988 , following the death on March 10 of Pham Hung .
20 Batmonh and Dumaagiyn Sodnom were asked to remain as President and as Chairman of the Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) respectively until the Great Hural met .
21 Later , Shakurulla Mirsaidov was elected Chairman of the Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) .
22 Gorbachev returned for a second visit on Nov. 18-21 , 1988 , accompanied by the Foreign Minister , Eduard Shevardnadze , and the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers , Vladimir Kamentsev .
23 In Byelorussia Vyacheslav Kebich was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) on April 7 .
24 On the 25th anniversary of the removal on Oct. 15 , 1964 , of Nikita Khrushchev as First Secretary of the CPSU and Chairman of the Council of Ministers [ see pp. 20389-90 ] , Moskovskaya Pravda drew parallels with the current situation — economic shortages , radical reforms and a " crisis of authority " .
25 Simon Stefani was replaced as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Internal Affairs by Hekuran Isai , a former Albanian Party of Labour ( APL ) central committee secretary in charge of economic affairs .
26 Stefani retained his politburo membership and was appointed Chairman of the State Control Commission , in place of Manush Myftiu who also lost his post as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers .
27 According to a decree of July 12 signed by Adil Carcani , Chairman of the Council of Ministers , some free enterprise was to be permitted in the services and handicrafts sector .
28 Baker met the senior Mongolian party and government leaders : Punsalmaagiyn Ochirbat , the Chairman of the People 's Great Hural Presidium ; Sharavyn Gungaadorj , the Chairman of the Council of Ministers ; Foreign Minister Tserenpilyn Gombosuren ; and the general secretary of the MPRP , Gombojavyn Ochirbat .
29 The then Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Internal Affairs Minister , Simon Stefani , quoted in the newspaper Zëri i Popullit , denied reports by " foreign agencies " of an " enormous " prison population .
30 The Thai Premier , Gen. Chatichai Choonhaven , met his Lao counterpart , Chairman of the Council of Ministers Kaysone Phomvihane , in Vientiane , the Lao capital , on Nov. 2 , when they discussed implementation of the 1988 joint communiqué on exchanges , economic co-operation and ways to avoid border conflicts [ see p. 37090 ] .
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