Example sentences of "[noun] be usually [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Friendly but restrained ’ is a phrase often used to describe this attitude , and interviewers are usually encouraged to be as non-directive as possible .
2 Such essays are usually judged to be lacking a necessary dimension for achieving high marks .
3 Non-deglutitive motor activity of the oesophagus is usually considered to be a sign of disordered motility .
4 When formal schools fail , the same elements are usually found to be missing .
5 Fecundity and the frequency of intercourse are usually taken to be constant factors .
6 So there 's often a contradiction as to whether programmes are addressed to their actual or potential audiences or to a hypothetical audience , which in current affairs and news broadcasts is usually assumed to be a male viewer .
7 In general , two or three house hunting visits are allowed by most firms and around three to six days are usually considered to be adequate time to find housing .
8 ABOVE Particularly on deep sites , stratigraphy is employed as an overall means of dating layers , since layers at the top of a site are usually found to be later in date than ones beneath .
9 Subroutines are usually written to be " transparent " to the calling routine ; that is , the processor registers such as accumulators and condition codes can be assumed to be unaltered by the subroutine call , unless they are explicitly part of the subroutine linkage .
10 The missing actor is usually assumed to be the writer .
11 For example , Matthew is usually thought to be William Taylor ( see p. 13 ) , but Taylor died at thirty-two .
12 Engineers and ceremonial officers are usually thought to be solemn people .
13 Beliefs are usually seen to be different again ( at least by researchers ) ; they are propositions about work and society .
14 Salt levels are usually recommended to be an SG ( specific gravity reading on a marinist 's hydrometer ) of 1.002 .
15 Instead she remarked that cats were usually considered to be particularly self-sufficient sort of animals .
16 For instance in the context of the law relating to sale of goods , a warranty is usually understood to be a representation relating to the subject matter of the contract , which is of secondary importance , and whose breach therefore entitles the injured party to damages but not to terminate the contract .
17 Loss of the nuptial pads is usually assumed to be a consequence of mating on land because , in other frogs and toads , their function appears to be to help the male to grip onto the female 's slippery back while mating in water .
18 The dividend is usually expressed to be cumulative , since in the case of equity share capital there is a presumption that dividends are non-cumulative unless otherwise stated .
19 The limit is usually taken to be about .05mm on the film .
20 The development of normal reading and writing is usually held to be multiply determined and to arise from the mastery of a number of subcomponent skills , such as detailed visual analysis , effective motor control , linguistic skills--ranging form sentence comprehension to phoneme discrimination .
21 Similarly the south gate is usually assumed to be at the end of Southgate Street where an internal street points in the direction of Boley Hill ; the existence of a cemetery in this region outside the walls would support this assumption .
22 It would not have mattered so much if the experiments described all held water , but when ( as we were encouraged to do ) I put up my hand and ventured that one experiment was not consistent , the lecturer acknowledged that this was so in the particular I questioned , but said that the results were usually found to be as would have been expected .
23 Though the Central Wales line was built in several sections at various times , its beginning as a through route is usually considered to be the 8th October 1868 , the commencement of public trains .
24 The waterfall is usually held to be slowly flattened out by the erosion of the river so that the new section of the profile occupies successively the positions 1 to 6 ( Fig. 9.10A ) .
25 Sadism and masochism are usually held to be the opposite sides to the same coin , the one being merely an inversion of the state of mind which produces the other .
26 Such thoughts are usually considered to be unnecessarily morbid , although the subject is probably more painful for younger people than those who more closely and personally face their own decline and death .
27 Today the Welsh breed is usually understood to be the Welsh Black ( Gwartheg Duon Cymreig ) , a dual-purpose type , though primarily used for beef production in suckler herds , especially on the uplands , either as a purebred or crossbred cow .
28 Since Bentham 's position is usually assumed to be rigorist , it is worth pointing out that his main formulations , such as we have described above , seem to be non-rigorist .
29 Bonn is usually taken to be the dividing line between the upper and lower Rhine , western Europe 's longest river at 1,320 kilometres .
30 However , the auditors ' task is usually expressed to be to state the " fair price " of the shares ; considered further at 3.5 .
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