Example sentences of "[noun] be carried out of the " in BNC.

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1 A study was carried out of the behaviour of …
2 They heard the siren and were at the entrance ready to take over as soon as the boy was carried out of the ambulance .
3 So would the coffin be carried out of the house then , into the hearse .
4 Tommy was carried out of the ring as Charlie was having his gloves laced up .
5 I went to the top of Ludgate Hill and watched exhausted men being carried out of the Old Bailey , then down side streets to where the steeple of St Bride 's church was tottering and the bells had gone crashing down minutes previously .
6 An analysis is carried out of the relations between dopamine and motor functions .
7 Analysis was carried out of the 1988/9 housing investment programme ( HIP ) statements for each authority .
8 Second , analysis was carried out of the existing capabilities of the Management Committee with regard to what might be appropriate economic objectives for them .
9 A fine and storming time was had by all ( to put it mildly ) , the degenerate nature of the evening summed up perfectly by the mildly amusing spectacle of one SHAUN RYDER being carried out of the venue at the end of the night , screaming out the directions to his hotel to his sweating , grumbling slaves .
10 The Park is an important recreational resource for both the people of Edinburgh and visitors to the city , and a survey was carried out of the types of use made of the Park , the perceptions of users and the impact such users have on the site .
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