Example sentences of "[noun] be particularly [adj] that the " in BNC.

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1 Republicans were particularly concerned that the Church 's educational role should cease and be superseded by a system of free , obligatory and laic education .
2 Mrs Wilson was particularly glad that the maid , Elsie , chose this moment to arrive with the tea tray .
3 Heads and class teachers were particularly keen that the assistants should have a working knowledge of classroom practice and assistants and teachers wanted specific training , especially in relation to behaviour problems and first aid .
4 ‘ The Government is particularly keen that the money should be spent on partnership schemes for development and improvement involving the private sector , ’ said Mr Checkley .
5 Guy 's Hospital colleagues were particularly disappointed that the project could not be carried out in Southwark , and it was therefore agreed that we should seek a similar , inner London , largely working-class borough with an established psychogeriatric service , so that findings might be applicable to the Southwark situation .
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