Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] thought [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 At least twelve prisoners are still thought to be inside the jail and refusing to give themselves up .
2 In general , Beccaria 's philosophy exhibits what could be regarded as a curious combination of concern with the rights of the individual under the social contract on the one hand , and utilitarian reductivism on the other — curious because rights theory and utilitarianism are often thought to be philosophically incompatible .
3 Tacoma 's needle-exchange programmes are already thought to be showing results .
4 Indeed , although such characteristics are commonly thought to be the domain of animals and birds , the evidence shows that thermogenic regulation first occurred in the reptiles .
5 The proximal colon and the small intestine are also thought to be dysfunctional in IBS .
6 Copywrite fraud is now thought to be costing software companies £20m pounds a year .
7 Copywrite fraud is now thought to be costing software companies £20m pounds a year .
8 TI is also thought to be working with Sybase , another Cooperative partner .
9 But if Jesus of Nazareth is not thought to be unique , and the Christian story is just a myth , why , one must ask , should one who is a feminist choose to take up this particular myth when it is so male , and has central to it a male person who is held to be unique ?
10 The marketability of Freud is also thought to be suffering due to the artist 's recent penchant for painting the backside of performance artist Leigh Bowery , a subject of seemingly little appeal to traditional Freud collectors .
11 The employee 's estimate of £100,000 in savings was accordingly thought to be too conservative .
12 However , as many as two dozen countries are still thought to be developing chemical weapons , and the treaty will not come into force until 1995 at the earliest .
13 Indeed HP and IBM are now thought to be working on much closer relationship ( UX No 430 ) .
14 Indeed Hewlett-Packard and IBM are now thought to be working on much closer relationship — ‘ Hewlett-Packard and IBM is a done deal , ’ according to one insider .
15 The mid-West systems integrator , which specialises in servicing and supporting Sun workstations , looks set to inject some new life into the lacklustre compatible market , promising not only a ‘ true clone ’ of Sun 's Sparcstation 10 workstation — within a month of Sun 's first superscalar deliveries — but also an intermediate Sparcstation 10 IPX system , an offering Sun is also thought to be mulling , and Sparcservers too .
16 The development work is n't thought to be linked to Sun in any formal way , but the news comes just a week after Sun revealed that it is playing with a 64-bit Sparc , and outlined its intent to define the ground rules for such environments through a new release of Sparc International 's interface specification for 64-bit Sparc architectures ( UX No 380 ) .
17 Darwin 's own account of the unrestrained ‘ law of battle ’ in animals readily fits in with the theory of natural selection ; therefore , as his account of the law of battle is now thought to be wrong , we are left with the problem of reconciling new observation and established theory .
18 Cider vinegar is also thought to be beneficial to arthritis sufferers .
19 Whereas Kazakhstan was already thought to be a springboard for additional territorial acquisitions , Siberia , as yet , was not .
20 Radical change by Government edict was not thought to be appropriate in England , where teachers had for long seen themselves as equal partners in the process of educational development and change .
21 In the nineteenth century , the effects of economic development , colonialism and capitalism were widely thought to be wholly favourable to women .
22 Active aggression is now thought to be exceptional .
23 The source of the mineralising fluids is generally thought to be Carboniferous shale basins adjacent to the carbonate plat-forms which host the mineralisation .
24 For example , attention is often thought to be directed particularly to information which is inconsistent with the currently active schema ( e.g. G.R.Loftus & Mackworth , 1978 ) .
25 For example , Matthew is usually thought to be William Taylor ( see p. 13 ) , but Taylor died at thirty-two .
26 As a result unemployment , never before a serious issue in Russia , is a major concern and a large part of the population is now thought to be below the poverty line .
27 The poetic name has been replaced by terms such as " chaotic complex " and the pseudo-scientific " Olistostromes " without really adding to our knowledge , but the essential point is that submarine landslipping is now thought to be only part of the process rather than the whole .
28 That the signing of Nafta was now thought to be unlikely until after the November 1992 US presidential elections was a serious political setback for Salinas , who had invested considerable political capital in reaching an accord .
29 Rational thought and behaviour are generally thought to be dependent in some ways upon an ability to reason logically .
30 Engineers and ceremonial officers are usually thought to be solemn people .
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