Example sentences of "[noun] be [adj] to learn that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Lippitts are surprised to learn that they are rich .
2 The Australians magnificently took revenge for their defeat last time when they had the bronze medal taken away from them , but England were happy to learn that they have a last-eight encounter today with Sweden .
3 Woodie was surprised to learn that there were any plates on Dreadnought .
4 Booksellers will no doubt be relieved to learn that there 'll be no attempt at direct selling .
5 ‘ A Bit of a Smash in Madras ’ , told in the words of an English employee of a company in the east , had all the best qualities of his prose : pace , realism ( Connolly was amazed to learn that he had never been in India ) , exact rendering of the spoken word .
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