Example sentences of "dependent [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The project will consider the hypothesis that the UK is technologically dependent for the effectiveness of a wide range of defence systems on the US to a degree that is not fully understood .
2 With the increasing dominance of a means-tested assistance , people have not only become passively dependent as the Government claims .
3 The number of sessions necessary to obtain a complete fragmentation is significantly dependent of the number and size of the stones and the presence of calcifications ( p<0.001 versus radiolucent stones ) ( Table III ) .
4 It remains inherently dependent from the client 's point of view .
5 Within the Labour party there was considerable suspicion of the League , expressed , above all , by the UDC intellectuals on whose expertise in foreign affairs the Party was heavily dependent in the 1920s .
6 Economically , Europe had conceded more than she knew ; she was already dependent on products from certain areas and would become more dependent in the age of the internal combustion engine .
7 The impression conveyed by Wilfrid 's career in these years is of a Church still very dependent in the pursuit of its own interests , certainly in territories outside Canterbury 's sphere of influence , on the unpredictable inclination of the princes with whom it had to deal .
8 There are in fact several different categories of territorial cleavage to which the term has been applied , but the major development by Hechter on Pizzorno 's line is the increased emphasis on the penetration of the periphery by the centre ; the periphery is seen as dependent in the sense that industrialisation takes place in a manner which leaves it dependent on the centre for investment and management control .
9 Whilst to date no formal agreement has been reached with SIB , the institutes have accepted that authorisation to carry on investment business will be dependent in the future on some form of proof of competence of those individuals actually engaged in , for example , the giving of investment advice .
10 Dependent in the sense of looking after them but she is independent so therefore she may own her own home so there 's obviously the opportunity what happens .
11 According to the kind of constructivism that I am espousing , the holism of the mental is logically and developmentally dependent upon the holism of directed action .
12 Groups like the NL , the TRL , and the ASU were , in the end , either too loyal to or too dependent upon the Conservative party to break away .
13 The severity of jet-lag , however , is dependent upon the number of time zones crossed rather than the length of flight .
14 The dynamic driving-force of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ allowed , in fact , no stabilization or ‘ normalization ’ , but rather conditioned circumstances in which the traditional ‘ ruling class ’ became ever more subsumed in and dependent upon the ‘ behemoth ’ of the Nazi State which it was no longer able to control in its mad rush to destruction .
15 The emotional overtones of movement away from the subject are entirely dependent upon the manner of the retreat .
16 She had a unique gift for restoring them to health , and an intuition that led her to free each into the wild just when its confidence was regained , its body mended , and its animal fulfilment clearly dependent upon the wider world .
17 Since personality arises out of social interaction its structure is not reducible to organic structure even though it remains dependent upon the whole psychoendocrine and neural system of a human being .
18 Auditory consciousness with its markedly linear character dependent upon the sequencing of events in time is a powerful vehicle for emotion , perhaps especially because the human voice is experienced in this mode , but it lacks the map-like quality of the inner visual panorama .
19 The mating systems of these animals are often dependent upon the dispersion patterns of the females and these in turn are related to patterns of optimum food exploitation .
20 The landscapes of the earth were thus ‘ peopled ’ with an interdependent range of forms comprising a natural system , itself dependent upon the grass and vegetation provided by soil , rain , and sun .
21 A special innovation in both mammals and birds was homoiothermy , warm-bloodedness , which allows a constantly high level of activity that is not dependent upon the temperature of the environment .
22 A subscription would make Leapor economically dependent upon the goodwill of the wealthy .
23 On the other hand , the Polish bourgeoisie was of mainly foreign origin ( it did not therefore identify with the nationalist tradition ) and constituted the leading segment of the empire 's industry , dependent upon the markets of the whole empire , not a lesser Poland .
24 Armenia , shattered by the Turkish persecutions , was wholly dependent upon the protection of Russia ( whatever its regime ) , against the Turks .
25 By the end of the period the United States had become as dependent upon Israel in its Middle East policy as Israel was dependent upon the United States .
26 The associative learning that goes on during such pre-exposure will be dependent upon the context in which training occurs , and to this extent latent inhibition will be attenuated by a change of context .
27 I do n't have any details except that the insurance is fairly basic with a number of optional extras and is dependent upon the client employing the firm for their full range of services at full scale fees .
28 Maturity , at least for me , seems to lie in the discovery that happiness and circumstances do n't have all that much to do with each other ; that happiness is more a matter of choice and habit than we suppose , and less dependent upon the accident of circumstances .
29 But again , a final solution is dependent upon the Agriculture Department withholding grants and the NPA negotiating a voluntary agreement .
30 The value of this information is inherently dependent upon the quality of the inference process and that in turn depends upon the complexity of the scene , the spatial , temporal and spectral resolution of the sensors and the particular algorithms used .
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