Example sentences of "[noun] [that] it be possible [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is no mere epilogue , but a striking demonstration that it was possible for men and women to co-operate in the printing trade .
2 However , one still hears all sorts of rumours to the effect that it is possible for others to obtain information , yet one or two of my constituents found it difficult to obtain information about the identity of a car owner involved in an accident .
3 He reminded North that it was possible for an American to disagree with him on that particular , ‘ and still love God , and still love this country just as much as you do ’ ; although He was regularly asked to do so , ‘ God does not take sides in American politics . ’
4 And of course Lewes is a small enough town that it 's possible for ordinary people to be involved in central activities like Council activities and so on .
5 And of course Lewes is a small enough town that it 's possible for ordinary people to be involved in , in central activities like council activities and so on .
6 This talk , too , was very much influenced by French fashions and preoccupations ; and from it Zeinab acquired the notion that it was possible for a single woman to set up house on her own .
7 Their belief that it was possible for the individual to maintain a direct , unmediated relationship with the state made their position additionally vulnerable .
8 The Court 's position had not been made any easier by suggestions that it was possible for the Government to influence its decisions .
9 And maybe then you would like to see society move towards a situation in which the role of women was recognised in such a way that it was possible for them to leave their babies in creches , would you , or
10 So not every teacher was one hundred per cent successful with mixed ability teaching , but I do n't think one can ever expect that with a new method and I think now that the system has been running for a number of years in the school that it 's possible for each department to support new members of staff and introduce them to the appropriate methods and approaches to mixed ability classes .
11 I think that now that the system has been running for a number of years in the school that it 's possible for each department to support new members of staff and introduce them to the appropriate methods and approaches to mixed ability classes .
12 Discussing the patient 's ‘ auditory environment ’ Gough ( 1986 ) provides vignettes showing how noise means different things to different people and reminds nurses that it is possible to be upset by silence , for example a child in an isolation unit — a salutary reminder of the importance of individualising nursing according to the circumstances .
13 I wait to see conclusive proof that it is possible in physical and geographical terms to bring the lines from Stratford into the proposed station at King 's Cross without making any changes whatever to the Bill .
14 If either Karen or I had had any idea that it was possible for someone to drown so quickly , we would no doubt have thrown caution to the wind and dived in .
15 The Fao area was repaired to the extent that it was possible for loading to be resumed at a restored Mina al-Bakr terminal .
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