Example sentences of "[noun] [that] lead [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I hurried down steep Flower Hill , a flowerless road of grey terraced houses and shops that led down to the bridge and the weir .
2 Luke moved through a doorway that lead off from the right of the hallway and disappeared from view .
3 Hosanna padded down from the steps that led up to the patio door and sat beside her , lifting his right paw and placing it on her thigh .
4 But his secretiveness extended to not even telling them that , and they had to be content to accompany him as he turned left at the foot of the steps that led up to the station entrance and headed for the quays .
5 Ben stood before the shallow flight of steps that led up to the main entrance , his head tilted back as he studied the frontage .
6 He brushed dust from his sleeve and headed towards the flight of stone steps that led up to the embankment .
7 She paid the taxi-driver and walked briskly towards the main entrance of the building , slowing her pace as she reached the flight of broad stone steps that led up to the doors .
8 When they stopped , in blackness and silence , before the steps that led up to the kitchen door , the only door anyone ever used at Trelorne , Murphy wanted to accompany her inside .
9 It was rapping in my back as I was pushed past Roger Beeding and Roger de Mornay and closer and closer to the eight steps that led up to the low wooden platform on which was the gigantic cross and the large black-and-white photograph of Rose Fox .
10 The path ended at the wide stone steps that led up to the main entrance of the lodge .
11 It had backed up against the patio , completely concealing the ornate wall and steps that led down onto the gravelled walks .
12 For at that moment , directly below the steps that led down to the Moebius Strip , the float of dummy Capellans was purring serenely by .
13 Luke Travis was standing at the top of the short flight of stone steps that led down to the garden .
14 She blinked as they emerged into blinding brightness and searing heat , and paused to fumble for her sunglasses before they descended the broad flight of steps that led down to the canal .
15 When the leader , a young man in his early twenties , saw that his Sturmabteilungen were in place , he walked towards the steps that lead up to the grand entrance .
16 The last thing I wanted was to find myself slithering down the steep craggy section above the corrie , having mistakenly bypassed the Y-shaped gully that led back to the car , yet I could sense I was getting it all a bit wrong .
17 In the narrow passage that led through to the garden , they came upon Rafiq .
18 The little boy was standing in the passage that led out towards the front garden .
19 It came from a tributary passage that lead off from the main corridor at a curious angle .
20 The upper gallery was lit only by two of the many triple candle-holders in wall-scounces , one at the top of the stairs , and one down the left corridor that led back to the front of the house .
21 It was only when she had closed the door behind her and was hurrying along the corridor that led back into the hall that she noticed the painting .
22 Beyond the door was a narrow corridor that led off to the right .
23 She made her way down the corridor that led off from the bar room , continually glancing over her shoulder , half expecting to see either her father or her uncle behind her .
24 Matisse , who was one of the first of the painters of his generation to appreciate the true genius of Cézanne , had been working under his influence since 1899 , the year in which he bought Cézanne 's Trois Baigneuses from Vollard , choosing it in preference to an Arlésienne by Van Gogh , and in the figure pieces that lead up to the Bonheur , the influence of Cézanne is immediately obvious .
25 Tom , Faye and Bill were still talking there , and as she crossed the entrance foyer that led out to the veranda on this side , she heard her own name .
26 They had visited the fifteenth-century pavilion , which had taken them back to the world of 1492 and immersed them in an era that led up to the discovery of America .
27 Place Barn , Wilmington , Polegate , East Sussex Place Barn , Wilmington , is flint-walled barn which was formerly attached to Priory Farm at the head of the hill that leads out of the village to the South Downs .
28 The entrance to her own flat was down one of the narrow corridors that led off from the rectangular landing , and as she stepped towards it she noticed with sudden uneasiness that one of the wall lights halfway down the corridor had gone , plunging the passageway into semi-darkness .
29 A thick hedge of cypresses hid the pool from the lawns that led up to the house .
30 And there was Gabriel , sitting on the stairs that led up to the bedrooms .
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