Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] [art] period " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , these designs were employed for a period of at least forty years , and their designers might not always have seen them in the same light .
2 Joel Gascoyne was apprenticed for a period of seven years from 21 October 1668 to John Thornton .
3 This case study was undertaken over a period of two months through a series of day visits to the school .
4 Police believe the tape was made over a period of time .
5 Marjanov 's early training as a machine-fitter was followed by a period of study with Megert at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf , where the artist now lives and works in the Ratherstrasse artists ' collective .
6 It is perhaps necessary to set the scene for this remarkable decade in the history of the District to show the ways in which the firm foundation for subsequent growth and consolidation was secured following a period of more than twenty years of uncertainty and improvision .
7 This experiment was quickly followed up by others using protein synthesis inhibitors , all essentially leading to the same conclusion — that if protein synthesis was prevented during the period over which an animal was trained , or for up to about an hour subsequently , then although the animal could learn the task , when tested on it some time later — say the next day — it behaved as if it were naïve .
8 The trust 's European bond portfolio was sold in the period at ‘ a useful profit ’ , the board reveals , while reductions in European and Japanese investments have financed a big rise in the percentage of assets held in south-east Asia — from 20.7 per cent to 26.5 per cent .
9 Their social characteristics , the type of crime of which they were accused and the district in which the crime took place were recorded for the period 1896 — 1905 ( Appendix A ) .
10 Thirty-four new stations were opened in the period 1900 to 1914 .
11 Most of the original immigrants were recruited during the period of labour shortages in the 1950s and 1960s for particular types of jobs including the textile industry and more menial tasks in the service sector .
12 Volumes were selected from the period 1982–92 and only original articles were eligible for analysis ( including letters but not correspondence in Nature ) .
13 The 60% allowance was applied to the new land allocations required by policy HP4 because the necessary completions were required in the period to 1996 .
14 More than half a million party officials were promoted during the period of 1934 – 39 .
15 According to Barclays Computer Operations , Barclay 's services arm which manages the data centres , the old kit was installed over a period of one to four years .
16 John Szarkowski wrote in the preface to the first volume : " Atget 's own prints were made over a period of many years , on a variety of photographic papers .
17 This consistent urban-rural gradient was lost in the period 1978–81 .
18 The dividing line between a fixed ‘ site ’ and a portable ‘ find ’ is often a narrow one : for example , the site of the ship Mary Rose was excavated over a period of several years , but when the remains of the ship itself were eventually raised , they were treated like any other waterlogged find , albeit on a much larger scale .
19 This name was changed over a period of time to the name we know today , Rottweil .
20 In sum , the general impression to be gained from the literature is that industrial profits were slimmed over the period , but by nothing like as much as bald balance sheet figures suggest , and that an easing in the cost of finance over the 1960s was followed by a hardening in the early 1970s .
21 Furthermore , the trial in Norway was conducted during a period of consistent decrease in the prevalence of smoking among young people in the country and while a comprehensive tobacco control programme was being introduced .
22 Mr. Walker : As I have pointed out many times to the Hon. Gentleman , the toll on the Seven bridge was imposed during the period of a Labour Government .
23 The medico-moral strategy was consolidated in the period after the initial reforms of the 1830s and 1840s .
24 A lease was granted for a period of five years in which the tenant agreed to pay the landlord a sum equivalent to two months rent as a security deposit .
25 A project to research the method was undertaken over a period of approximately one year on a part-time basis ; at various stages a number of different practitioners from management services disciplines were involved , each receiving some informal training on the principles and practice of soft systems analysis .
26 The fieldwork was conducted during the period July 1 941 — September 1943 but the book is written as if the culture of " West Town " was timeless and entirely unaffected by the chaos of the surrounding political situation .
27 Based on the forecasts of the Labour government 's Green Paper of 1977 , 550,000 fewer houses were built during the period 1976–86 than were envisaged as being necessary in order to satisfy the anticipated need .
28 Allowing for transactions costs , futures were overpriced in the period before the October 1987 crash , while after the crash there were few mispricings .
29 Delegates to the district zemstva were elected for a period of three years by three categories of voter voting separately : landowners , property-owners in the towns , and delegates from the volosti .
30 In the Hall study accidents at 177 signalized crossroads were analysed over a period of four years , over this period accidents involving a vehicle turning right outnumbered those to vehicles turning left by a ratio of 6.6:1 ( accidents involving one vehicle turning in each direction were excluded from the analysis ) .
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