Example sentences of "[noun] [is] dealing with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Particular outstanding work is dealing with changes to the Community Charge Register which have to be reflected in the Council Tax liabilities , approximately 30,000 changes were to be processed in this area .
2 Brian Hawker , both a spiritual director and pastoral counsellor , says , ‘ spiritual direction is dealing with eternal realities , pastoral counselling is dealing with problems in the here and now which are blocking me from looking at eternal realities ’ .
3 Even so , some scholars question how much Matthew is dealing with history in this story of the wise men .
4 When my right hon. Friend is dealing with trade with Libya , will he bear it in mind that the United Kingdom is happy and willing to trade anywhere in the world , because that is important to us as a trading nation , but we must never sacrifice our values and standards , particularly those concerning our attitude towards international terrorism ?
5 What better way to describe God 's dealing with Israel in the Old Testament , than with the stories of Abraham , the Exodus and the Exile .
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