Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] be said [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Local authorities have no powers except those conferred upon them by statute , and when they take action which is not sanctioned by the law they are said to be acting ultra vires ( beyond the powers ) .
2 The European he was said to be the most fond of as Princess Maria Gabriella de Savoia , but her father , the former King Umberto of Italy , would have insisted on a Catholic wedding .
3 Compared to glassfibre boats they were said to be heavy , slow , unmanoeuvrable and , because they bent rather than broke , dangerous .
4 Until now we have considered practices within a society , and allowed that if these fail to complement each other they are said to be contradictory .
5 Last night he was said to be comfortable .
6 Mr Morton was rushed to Middlesbrough General Hospital 's burns unit where last night he was said to be comfortable ’ .
7 Last night he was said to be comfortable in the West Highland Hospital , Oban .
8 He commented with amazement that the charge was supposed to be entirely arbitrary and that at one ground it was said to be nil .
9 Should the company do a thing which was outside the scope of the clause it was said to be beyond the company 's powers and ultra vires.At common law an ultra vires act was unlawful and without binding effect and a shareholder could restrain the company from undertaking ultra vires activities .
10 If the statement does not become incorporated into the contract it is said to be a representation ; something said in the course of the negotiations leading up to the contract itself .
11 Built as a hunting lodge for the Deer Park it is said to be haunted by a huntsman in green !
12 U , of spectral type M , appears to be irregular , with a range of from 5.6 to 7.5 ; EU ranges from 6.0 to 6.9 , and is also of type M. It is said to be semi-regular , with a period of around 60 days , but I have never been at all confident about this .
13 Before the burglary he was said to be in good health .
14 When a bank note can be exchanged for gold on demand at a bank it is said to be convertible or redeemable .
15 When such ‘ dispositive ’ or ‘ objective ’ regimes were accepted as being in the general public interest they were said to be binding erga omnes .
16 Not only were the garotters thought to be visiting hot-blooded Neapolitan outrage upon English soil , but on other occasions they were said to be ‘ like the sanguinary fanatics of the French Revolution ’ as well as resembling the ‘ Indian ‘ thuggee' ’ ’ .
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