Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [verb] suffered [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Politicians did not relish a repeat performance of the humiliating defeat they had suffered over the suspension and repeal of the acts .
2 DELIGHT , elation and relief greeted the news of the government 's decision to compensate investors for the bulk of the losses they had suffered in the collapse of Barlow Clowes .
3 Tragically , Jim failed to recover from the stroke he had suffered on the Saturday morning ( 28th May ) and died the following morning .
4 A character wearing the Talisman of Ulric automatically recovers wounds he has suffered at the start of his turn .
5 He had never enjoyed the thought of making love in a standing position since the embarrassment he had suffered on the last occasion , about a year before .
6 Pugin 's strict rules and principles were upheld in part to counteract the inordinate sadness he had suffered at the age of twenty-two , when his first wife died giving birth to their only daughter .
7 The plaintiff 's share of the responsibility for the damage he had suffered in the accident arose out of the finding that either he ought to have known that the defendant 's ability to drive was impaired or , more likely , that he had drunk so much himself that he was unable to tell that the defendant 's ability was in fact impaired .
8 The closeness of the Anglo-American special relationship during the Second World War boded well for a continuing post-war partnership , in which Britain would be able to influence US policy in a mutually beneficial way ; and latent Soviet hostility , which became apparent in London sooner than in Washington , was lessened by the assumed technological backwardness of Russia , and by the devastation she had suffered at the hands of the Germans .
9 I ran two personal bests , 10.33 seconds for the 100 metres and 20.79 seconds for the 200 , which was further encouragement for me and compensation for the traumas I had suffered on the West London track throughout the long , cold , seemingly never-ending winter .
10 It was cold in London compared to the unnatural steamy heat they 'd suffered at the Paul Ricard circuit .
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