Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] leading down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Potted shrubs of sombre green flanked a flight of broad , shallow rockfoam steps leading down to a doorway covered by thick curtains of the darkest purple .
2 With this intention firmly planted in her mind , she headed for the back stairs leading down into the kitchens .
3 She had reached the pier now , and , still fighting against the wind , made for the flight of iron steps leading down to the beach .
4 Seen from the rear , the house was exactly as she had described it , square and imposing with a flight of elegant stone steps leading down onto the grass .
5 They had reached a short flight of stone steps leading down to an open door , and she had no idea of how they had arrived there .
6 When he peeped through the gap he could see the big half-pillars supporting the lintel , the rounded stone steps leading down to the paved walkway and the wilderness of garden beyond .
7 There was a gate in the wall that overlooked the seashore — the wall where she and Guido had stood last night — with a flight of stone steps leading down to the beach .
8 There were five stone stairs leading down to a wooden floor and a narrow stone corridor .
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