Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [pron] 'd [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the table before us , incongruous among the polystyrene coffee cups , were the old-fashioned cloth-bound photograph albums she 'd brought with her .
2 In desperation your mother gave me some home movies they 'd made over the years , and I watched a chubby five-year-old with a cheeky grin and eyes like pansies .
3 ‘ He made the ears out of an old pair of mouse ears I 'd used for a previous party , ’ she says .
4 They lobbied councillors to ensure Akers Way would never witness another accident … they achieved many of the safety changes they 'd called for .
5 A woman has saved a baby 's life using resuscitation techniques she 'd learned on a course just two weeks earlier .
6 Mrs Lennox placed some sliced corned beef on the table along with some griddle scones she 'd had in the larder wrapped in a cloth .
7 ‘ Yes , I have , have n't I , ’ he had agreed cheerfully , clearly pleased at the speedy , efficient response to the phone calls he 'd made from the Meadowses ' ranch house the day before .
8 She carried them on to the terrace in front of the house , and sat down , intending to read one of the paperback books she 'd brought with her until the light faded .
9 Watching , Jess was reminded of a pack of alley cats she 'd seen at the rear of Samson 's smithy one night .
10 Like the time she 'd found Will Pegg 's pockets full of iron nails he 'd filched from Samson .
11 For a moment she could n't think what he meant , then she remembered with dismay that she 'd already asked him to join her and Elaine and a few of the island friends they 'd made on the new power-boat Stephen had treated them to as the hotel neared completion .
12 The homework lessons he 'd brought with him did n't find a great deal of favour in her eyes .
13 We dismounted from the BMW and Werewolf slipped on a pair of gold-rimmed shades , which reminded me to put on the plain glass Yuppie specs I 'd borrowed from Fly .
14 A woman once wrote to me , desperately upset , because , while going through her dead husband 's effects , she 'd found love letters he 'd written to another woman .
15 He subsequently er went to work at the Berlick in latter years and , and this man was just sweeping-up at the Berlick and I could n't believe it cos he was so high up in the technology in the war and he 'd be a dental mechanic and he 'd come down to just being a sweeper-up , and he used to show me the pay packets he 'd got in the war and you know it was fantastic money even , even by today 's standards this is going back fifteen years
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