Example sentences of "[noun] [art] [noun] [prep] days [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It vanished from the boathouse a couple of days ago . ’
2 If I had gone into labour a couple of days earlier , I would have been on my own , down the block , with no nurse , nobody .
3 Standing below the route in the sun a couple of days later .
4 Handover of the building only took place a couple of days earlier so many hands had made it possible for Mass to be celebrated in a beautiful setting .
5 I saw him in the forest a couple of days ago .
6 I would also be required to go to Bristol a couple of days later to do some work in the studio and , I assumed , to help with the editing .
7 Not the Monday a couple of days ago but the one before .
8 All these questions came tumbling out the moment she entered my room a couple of days later .
9 Hewlett-Packard Co recently sent out pairs of natty sunglasses to the UK computer press bearing the message ‘ you 'll be needing these on May 5th , ’ ( well some of the poor loves must have thought things rather fetching as they were wearing them on Olivetti 's jaunt to Paris a couple of days later ) .
10 We cleaned out his quarters a couple of days ago and put him outside while it was being done .
11 Older people tend to stay in hospital a couple of days more , but generally their recovery is as rapid and as satisfying
12 ‘ Her and me ‘ took tea with the parson ’ in the men 's locker-room a couple of days back . ’
13 It was technically already unnecessary , for money for both lethal and humanitarian aid had been voted by Congress a matter of days before .
14 The author met the leopard a couple of days later on a forest track looking very sorry for himself and with a broken tail !
15 ‘ I left the hotel a couple of days ago .
16 She said : ‘ I went round to her house a couple of days later to see her but no-one knew where she was .
17 It was in the Tribune a couple of days ago .
18 It was a good job he had filled his mini-freezer with chilled meals from the supermarket a couple of days before .
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