Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] later [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Motorola , Mace says , is still cleaning up the part and does n't want to announce pricing or general availability until later in the year .
2 Novell is holding off announcement of a general release date until later in the year .
3 Newbridge Networks Corp is at the forefront of Asynchronous Transfer Mode technology according to analysts contacted by Reuters : ‘ No-one else is shipping true ATM switches and they 've already shipped 60 switches , ’ Terry Murphy , a senior analyst at Smith Barney Harris Upham & Co said , adding that because no-one will need the sort of capacity offered by Asynchronous Transfer Mode transmission systems until later in the decade , Newbridge has bought itself a virtual insurance policy by leading in deployment .
4 The stringent exclusion criteria in trials of antithrombotic therapy ensured that less than 10% of those with AF were actually considered suitable for randomisation , and in one study , being over 75 was itself regarded as a contraindication to anticoagulation until later into the enrolment phase .
5 Other strategies to ‘ save ’ money included joining clubs to purchase essentials which they could not afford to pay for in a lump sum , although being aware of the extra costs of the high interest on such purchases ; having slot meters installed to control electricity consumption ; and delaying lighting the fire until later in the day to conserve coal :
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