Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bring back the express so , it does n't sort of highlight it , because they do n't have tiers of borrowed storage all over the place .
2 This is because the UK would have to contribute £39 000 a year to a fund to help protect natural and cultural sites of international importance all over the world .
3 For some reason quite beyond Harry 's comprehension , somebody had been thrown from a window in Prague in the year of grace 1618 and this had provoked thirty years of bloody conflict all over Europe .
4 Apply a bead of non-setting mastic all around the base of rebates on the timber subframe , and across the front sill platform
5 It 's positioned under the usual plates , ( with flat plate uppermost ) and the outflow from the tank hits the rotating bar , sending a spray of oxygenated water all over the media .
6 I 'm not sure about that but I am sure that the relative strength of a South African side is the subject of heated debate all over the rugby world and , depending on who you speak to , the ‘ Boks are either the true World Champions or a collection of dinosaurs , hopelessly out of touch with the modern game and in for a rude awakening .
7 There was a glorious sunset rush of pure-blooded warmth all over her back and right down to her fingertips .
8 Cos I see him know with this big pallets of that stuff all over the place and
9 His death was supposed to have been messy , and there was a lot of realistic blood all over his costume .
10 Dr P was asked what effect the growth of English literature all over the world , and the advent of modern literary criticism , had had on English teaching in universities :
11 His target was ‘ the spate of mean building all over the country that is shrivelling up the Old England — mean and perky little houses that surely none but mean and perky little souls should inhabit with satisfaction ’ ( p. 15 ) .
12 It has also become evident from recent literature that there was nothing like a " simultaneous " extinction of many different groups , either within the brachiopods alone or within the organic world in general , at the end of the Permian ; I am told that plant spores , at least , still show an uncannily rapid change at this level all round the world , though the big change in plant macrofossils seems to have come much later .
13 Ever since I can remember there have been little stickers of white paper all over the house with neat black-biro writing on them .
14 well he likes marshal art do n't he ? we wo n't tell daddy that you knocked a full on the table of black currant all over the carpet will we ?
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