Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] carry out the " in BNC.

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1 Reservations were soon expressed , however , about the necessity for psychiatrists to carry out the assessments in view of the relatively small number of patients who suffered from psychiatric illness and the pressures on already stretched psychiatric resources ( Crammer 1969 ) .
2 It required servicing approximately once a month and usually three electricians from Scunthorpe carried out the work .
3 It might be possible to use an annual grant of £300 to carry out the necessary paintwork .
4 It might be possible to use an annual grant of £300 to carry out the necessary paintwork .
5 Police say two crews of men carried out the work and are seeking two men in their 50s driving a red transit van and three men in their 30s driving a small van .
6 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
7 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
8 If the new democracies are denied markets for their goods , then they will be unable to obtain the hard currency they urgently need in order to carry out the far-reaching reforms that will modernise their economies .
9 The Prosecution alleges that Stokle 's former girlfriend , Shiela Stroud from Staunton carried out the murder attempt with her boyfriend Mark Evans , and a hired hitman Norman White .
10 Fulfilling her promise , construction began on the monastery in Greyabbey , with craftsmen from the house of Holm Cultra in Cumbria carrying out the work .
11 Now he does n't actually make the concession I think it 's consistent of what he says , that he ought to concede that direct democracy might be better at improving the citizens , because after all the citizens have much more to do on in service of the state but his view is that direct democracy has the opposite failure to guardianship , that while it might be better at improving citizens it 's absolutely hopeless in managing the affairs of the state and his reasons for that is that we need experts with experience in order to carry out the affairs of government and although these people ought ultimately to be held responsible to the people , people should n't sit in judgment them in every one of their decisions .
12 He had called in a local firm of builders to carry out the essential brickwork , plastering and re-tiling on the roof ; after that , he took a hand in the redecoration personally , splashing on new paint and putting up wallpaper .
13 LIFESPAN uses a hierarchy of Options to carry out the required tasks , each option consisting of one or more Pages .
14 To remove embryos from oviducts carry out the following steps .
15 Surgeons the Great Ormond Street children 's hospital in Lonmdon carried out the operation overnight .
16 The lack of training to carry out the job .
17 It also alleges they hired Norman White , 30 , of Gloucester , with the promise of £30,000 to carry out the killing .
18 He told the King that he would prefer MacDonald to remain in office in order to carry out the necessary programme of economies ; but that if he failed to carry enough of his colleagues with him , then the best alternative would be for MacDonald to head a National Government containing members of all three parties .
19 Nevertheless , by ‘ obey ’ Paul is not referring to servile obedience to an authoritarian master , but an injunction to workers to carry out the job an employer has for them to accomplish .
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