Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun pl] have led [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , disagreements between ministers have led to the shelving of a detailed reallocation of environmental responsibilities .
2 These sorts of issues have led to calls for the strengthening of merger policy .
3 The importance of authorities for the generation and maintenance of conventions has led on occasion to ill-conceived attempts to explain the nature of authority exclusively by reference to conventions .
4 Occasionally the medical benefit of this kind of research is questioned : in fact basic research on animals has led to the award since the beginning of the century of more than 50 Nobel Prizes for medicine .
5 Research on diabetes continues in many centres , including Oxford , where research on animals has led to techniques of isolating and purifying the human pancreatic cells that produce insulin with a view to implanting them in diabetic patients and curing the disease .
6 Elsewhere in south-east Asia , over-use of pesticides has led to a devastating resurgence of pests by destroying the pests ' natural predators .
7 The deregulation of buses has led to a great diminution in the service , especially at weekends and at night when people in rural and city areas feel isolated .
8 In the early 1980s , the shift towards repair grants was apparent but a shortage of resources has led to a cutback .
9 In the past year a shortage of volunteers has led to an increase in the time taken to respond to emergency calls .
10 As we have seen , the ability of large firms to transfer financial problems to suppliers has led to high rates of bankruptcy among smaller companies .
11 Attempts to highlight and remove differing forms of sexism , sexual inequalities and discrimination in schools have led to a range of policy statements and strategies from local education authorities and individual schools .
12 The absence of deals has led to speculation that advertisers , wary of getting caught in a US-Japan economic crossfire , are ‘ frightened ’ of Yamaguchi because of her Japanese name and heritage .
13 It may be that it is those least disposed to commit suicide who join the cult in the first place , but at least the systematic comparison of variables has led to the question being raised .
14 The use of schemes has led to an over-emphasis on the skill of decoding words .
15 The increased use of computers has led to a dramatic rise in the production of paper records .
16 On the other hand , the massive increase in conversions of redundant barns to homes had led to calls to halt entirely the conversion of historic barns into houses .
17 In those study of deviance ; a belief that the family is the only important vehicle of reward and realization for women has led to a distortion of their role in the stratification system ; and an unspoken devaluation of female types of power as trivial and insignificant has led political sociology towards a one-sided examination of formal constraint- and authority-systems .
18 The failure of these traditional local economic strategies to stimulate and sustain local economic growth in all but a minority of places has led to the development of new forms of policy .
19 The possibility offered by rapid electronic communication across networks has led to some other new ways of collaborating in science , through bulletin boards and other e-mail techniques , some of which are direct analogues of personal communication and others resemble publication pathways .
20 The number of frauds has led to calls for tightening up of audits of investment businesses , and particularly a reduction in the number of many thousands of auditors who examine investment firms so that the ones left can develop greater expertise .
21 With the station 's new information and visitors centre proving to be a great attraction , the increased numbers of visitors has led to the company employing an additional eight guides this year , he added .
22 The obligation upon LEAs to meet a child 's special educational needs as set out in his/her statement of needs has led to an increase in specialist staff , visiting , or based in these centres and working with and supporting regular staff .
23 Their fascination with dinosaurs has led to discussions on conservation and ecology , writing their own stories and practise in drawing from observation .
24 First , dispersal of shareholdings has led to effective control over the company being ceded to management .
25 The evolution of the role of teachers and the view of the social purpose of schools have led to a multiplicity of demands on teachers which are not necessarily compatible and may be contradictory , if not actually mutually exclusive .
26 Maybe the weight itself of thousands of boys over the last couple of decades had led to some sort of subsidence .
27 But what we 've already found is that our involvement with Connections has led to our speaking to people who ask what we do and this has thrown up other opportunities . ’
28 The restlessness of industrialists at being expected to take the brunt of sacrifices had led to commercial consumers ( shops , offices , hotels , etc. ) also being brought into the load spreading arrangements in 1948 .
29 The threat of a further deterioration in the balance of payments has led to the strategy of active intervention in foreign exchange markets as an important adjunct to the high interest rate policy .
30 The great influx of workers had led to pockets of serious overcrowding .
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