Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] whole of the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We presented a case for the whole of the HIE area that was fully supported by John Major , ’ said the agency 's spokesman .
2 However , the wine must have been amphetamine-free , because the resulting doldrums never arrived , and I remained in a state of euphoria for the whole of the afternoon .
3 On a day like this you could almost make yourself imagine that the old times were back , when the resort was crammed with holiday-makers for the whole of the summer season and every seaside guest house had a ‘ No Vacancies ’ sign hanging in the window .
4 What happened instead was that after a while Filmer and Daffodil appeared in my view , making a diagonal course towards the station buildings , and pretty soon afterwards , accompanied by a lot of bell-ringing and warning hooters , a huge bright yellow diesel engine came grinding and groaning past my window followed by long corrugated silver coaches as the whole of the regular Canadian rolled up the track next to the race train and stopped precisely alongside .
5 Indeed in the first two months after opening the new Traverse made £10,000 more than the old venue 's income for the whole of the previous year .
6 It should be remembered that a company can only be the firm 's appointed representative if the firm accepts responsibility for the whole of the investment business it carries on on the firm 's behalf .
7 Firstly it is not possible to store the syntactic tag for the whole of the compound within the compound tree .
8 Er ours is a slightly more difficult task , I would suggest a much more difficult task , in that we 're trying to go for one certificate for the whole of the group .
9 Being highly centralized , the British system has not been to have powerful centres outside London from which groups of services can be conducted for that area , but to administer each of the important functions of government from Whitehall for the whole of the country .
10 Danie Craven , president of the South African Rugby Football Union , said last night that the World Cup would be a big boost for the whole of the country .
11 Given that only £25 million were allocated to access funds for the whole of the United Kingdom , the answer must be , ’ What about the access funds ? ’
12 Hezarfen likewise classifies muftis as being of two types : either the Seyhulislam — who , from well before Hezarfen 's time , had acted as Mufti for the whole of the — or kenar muftileri .
13 And interestingly , one review by Mawer contains the only mention of the Newbolt Report to be included in the Review during the whole of the inter-war period , and this solely in the context of attributing to the Report responsibility for generating a good deal of subsequent discussion of grammar .
14 Erm the the erm figure for the whole of the district which is taken from the nineteen eighty one census is fifteen percent of the workforce working outside Richmondshire .
15 It takes the action of the whole of The Lord of the Rings to make these ring true and there is a vein of proverbial wisdom ( about God being on the side of the big battalions ) which would utterly deny them .
16 I have no doubt that , by providing instant access to comprehensive records of offenders , the national criminal records system will become an indispensable aid to the better functioning of the whole of the criminal justice system .
17 ‘ The Housing Corporation programme will provide around 2,000 new homes throughout the whole of the North-East .
18 In addition , Baldwin 's Conservative government took sweeping action against the whole of the Labour movement through the Trade Union Act of 1927 , which , among other things , outlawed ‘ sympathetic ’ strike action .
19 Here the Lincolnshire Limewoods are to be found — the best area of small leaved limes in the whole of the British Isles .
20 Middlesbrough whistler Jeff Winter has been given the good news that he has been promoted to the Football League middle for the start of next season a distinction held by only 90 referees in the whole of the country .
21 The largest rock outcrop in the whole of the East Riding of Yorkshire , apart from coastal cliffs , is a deposit of breccia known as Drewton Pillar .
22 However , what message will he send to the electorate in the whole of the north-west ?
23 Since the objective for the project is to advance the understanding of flat roofing performance and maintenance , and to develop improved specification and quality assurance criteria for roofing systems , BFRC will disseminate the results of the research to the whole of the construction industry .
24 We will therefore allot the melody to the whole of the strings except double basses , and give the accompanying chords to a suitable wind group , doubling the bass with the double basses for greater depth and impressiveness .
25 If the British people had voted on Thursday for a Labour government , they would have run counter to the swing away from socialist prescriptions across the whole of the rest of Europe ; more , they would have signalled the rejection of everything that has been so painfully achieved since 1979 in making Britain a competitive modern society founded upon the doctrine of personal responsibility and enterprise .
26 All average rents on our stock across the whole of the south east is twenty seven pounds a week erm , I think is , is the figure now the bulk of that funded down to the old er regime that we had from the housing corporation where we got er , a lot more grant and we had the residual line and the money we 've had to borrow ourselves for the scheme was actually from the corporation themselves that all changed in the ninety eighty eight housing act and we now get a fixed er , sum of monies , it 's fixed percentage of local cost from the housing corporation and the balance has to be borrowed from a private lender just like anybody else going out and and buying a home , if you like er , from a , a bank , from a building society or somebody like that and we have to charge a rent er to the property that will repay that loan and , the way in which we actually do it is , is we charge a lower rent and actually who pays the rent quite substantially below that er , because erm the rent on these properties if we i if we charge what the the housing corporation 's grant as it 's set would be round about ten , twelve pounds more expensive than that .
27 It is not clear that there was uniformity across the whole of the Merovingian kingdom in such matters .
28 The left-hand chambers have to pump much harder to force the re-oxygenated blood around the whole of the body .
29 Order 9 , r 6 applies if the defendant in a default action : ( 1 ) does not within 14 days after service of the summons on him , pay to the plaintiff the total amount of the claim and costs on the summons ; or ( 2 ) delivers an admission of the whole of the plaintiff 's claim unaccompanied by a counterclaim or a request for time for payment , or ( 3 ) does not deliver an admission of part of the plaintiff 's claim , a defence or counterclaim , the plaintiff may on filing a request for judgment , and certifying that defendant has not sent any reply to the summons , and stating what payments , if any , have been made , have judgment entered , either for payment forthwith or at such times as plaintiff may specify .
30 Invertebrates are generally defined as animals that do not have a backbone or internal skeleton and that simple definition takes in around 97% of the whole of the living species of animals in the world .
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