Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] has be describe [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Government wants to reduce productivity payments to dentists because it says they 're treating too many patients.The move has been described by one dentist as appalling.Richard Barnett reports :
2 The Government wants to reduce productivity payments to dentists because it says they 're treating too many patients.The move has been described by one dentist as appalling.Richard Barnett reports :
3 Lithotripsy of a densely calcified gall bladder stone has been described in a case report .
4 Comparable bowel involvement has been described in patients with other inherited neutrophil defects , while Crohn 's disease activity has been negatively correlated with neurophil superoxide production among patients in whom the disease has no obvious monogenic basis .
5 The discovery process has been described by Francis Crick , co-discoverer of the structure of DNA , and of the resulting ‘ genetic code ’ in the following terms :
6 The Nassau meeting has been described as ‘ one of the great confrontations in the history of Anglo-American relations . '
7 DESTROY THE BOY : ‘ Only One Night ’ ( White Light ) four piece North London band , and mates of Soho , whose pop fury has been described as ‘ tunes which wriggle like eels in a neckbrace ’ — out now
8 In cases where a tumour suppressor gene is inactivated , repetitive cellular repair may lead to uncontrolled cell division and malignant transformation ; a putative tumour suppressor gene has been described on the long arm of chromosome 17 .
9 Guitarist heading for hall of fame A pupil of John Williams , Nicola Hall has been described as an extraordinary musical talent , reports Kenny Mathieson
10 The draft report of the Cadbury Committee has been described as the opening of a debate .
11 Such poor quality teaching has been described in similar terms in a range of reports by the HMI on different age sectors within the education service — on primary and middle schools , for instance — and continues to be a consistent feature of their ongoing commentary on the quality of the present teaching force .
12 And The First Wives Club has been described as ‘ the Thelma and Louise of the corporate world ’ .
13 Similar confusion has arisen in females whereby lichen sclerosus has been described by various now obsolete terms such as leucoplakia and kraurosis vulvae .
14 Pupil behaviour has been described as ‘ a touchstone of the quality of the school system ’ .
15 The Oxfordshire Club has been described by some experts as unique and a course for the twenty first century … what makes it so special is a mixture of three styles … of classic English with trees … of links with sand dunes … and of American type holes landscaped by lakes … it 's been designed by Rees Jones
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