Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] only be explained [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus it is often argued that statutes punishing cruelty to animals can only be explained in that way .
2 Finally , perhaps this change of mood can only be explained in the wider context of gradual changes in government policy on the inner city and UDCs — the emergence of a ‘ new realism ’ tempering the policies and rhetoric of the radical right .
3 As fearful , angry , brave , quarrelsome , competitive , kind , generous , cooperative etc. do not exist in the world as measurable qualities , but humans as social beings may develop all , or none , to varying extents , so social behaviour like war can only be explained with reference to complex social factors , not to some assumed universal inner state .
4 The high prices for such things could only be explained by a separate blurb which claimed meat from ‘ English rare breeds ’ and a lot of stuff about natural rearing and hand finishing ( a bonus , I pointed out to my guest , a Texan with special interests in T.S .
5 But their actions can only be explained by the infinitely complex interaction between general causes — economic , social , cultural and ideological — and their individual personalities , moulded by a particular experience of childhood and maturity .
6 ‘ The distribution of the lividity can only be explained in that way .
7 The conclusion to be derived from the above is that the overdevelopment of the bureaucracy in the post-colonial state can only be explained by reference to factors which render other political institutions impotent .
8 The repeated blindnesses of critics can only be explained by a deep dissatisfaction in them with the very data of ‘ fairy-story ’ , an inhibition against accepting the conventions of romance .
9 For Newton there was no satisfactory account of why the planets should orbit the sun in the same direction and in roughly the same plane : This aesthetically pleasing scheme could only be explained by appealing to God 's initial design .
10 The irreconcilability of two such extremes in one group of human beings could only be explained as part of the great mystery of human personality .
11 The power of some pressure groups can only be explained in terms of what may be called an ‘ insider ’ status within the policy-making system .
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