Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] about [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I say ‘ by great good luck ’ , because the Turkish authorities do not like foreigners wandering about in the neighbourhood of frontiers , particularly the Russian frontier .
2 Not only that , there was the auto-suggestion of two tiny Spanish brats splashing about in the pond in front of the green , fishing for lost balls .
3 When they complain about ‘ stress ’ they are not saying they want to spend the rest of their lives lazing about in the sun being brought rum bamboozles on a silver tray ( though the idea has its appeal ) .
4 Ruining your good trousers wriggling about on the ground .
5 It appeared that the officer had been admiring the fish swimming about in the water of the Orne when a Royal Marine Commando asked him if he would like some for his supper .
6 The Empress was particularly fond of the gondola and often spent an hour drifting about on the water accompanied by one of her guests .
7 ‘ I said I 'd seen Sam hanging about on the towpath with a bunch of yobs . ’
8 They first recorded the vervets ' call and then played them through loud-speakers to free-living monkeys moving about on the ground .
9 He scanned the dark figures moving about in the blackness , saw the odd flash-bulb explode as tourists took pictures of one of the capital 's most famous landmarks .
10 He already had two of the things clinking about on the back seat .
11 But we suspect it was found necessary to place the Monkeys ' Dance where the score has it in order to allow time for setting this exotic scene — and six dancers cavorting about on the forestage could make a useful amount of noise to mask what was happening on the darkened scenic stage behind the proscenium arch .
12 Fred White and Sandy , the friend he had agreed to meet here , sat on the shore and watched people splashing about in the water .
13 Do not leave peels lying about in the laboratory before mounting or filing them : they attract dust and lint and are easily scratched .
14 She had n't really given him time to explain , just looked at that horrible creature prancing about in the hall all sexed up , and assumed the worst .
15 It 's a fine sunny day in August — but where are all the loafers lyin' about on the grass ? ’
16 There is a slight drizzle falling through the trees and most of the mosquitoes have gone , except one or two persistent little bastards buzzing about inside the trench .
17 I can picture the convoy now : the little navigating jeep in front , the solid three-tonners rolling along steadily , and the jeeps scampering about at the back .
18 If you put him on a wyvern there is a temptation to spend half the game flitting about behind the enemy lines or stuck up in the air .
19 Once aboard two LSIs , the raiders carried out successful rehearsals at Scapa Flow ( north Scotland ) , despite the navy 's understandable challenge to the carrier ships ' small craft bobbing about in the night .
20 Martin Bates adjusted the focus on the binoculars , trying to pull into sharper definition the man moving about on the deck .
21 He could hear the man moving about in the room above his own .
22 I 've often seen toddlers jumping about in the back of cars ahead of me .
23 The cucullati were strange twilight creatures flitting about in the under-growth and the skirtings of a house , but seen as a potent element of the life-force with their phallic hoods and the garments usually worn by small children .
24 having visited Toys-R-us pre Christmas I was pleased to see though that on the front of the new Subbutteo box is a pucture of Chappie and Whyte cavorting about in the goal area ( against the Arse ? ) .
25 It was , said the Examiner , ‘ an unusual sight to see the crowd hanging about after the match instead of rushing for the tramcars .
26 The referee looks for open hands fluttering about in the opponent 's face , because they all too often ‘ accidentally ’ catch the opponent 's eyes .
27 It was a question she had not thought to ask until now , but there certainly did n't seem to be any obvious Mrs Prescott hanging about in the background .
28 Then my family ; or at any rate the beam of a torch moving about in the kitchen .
29 Alison Hutchinson spotted the two starlings flailing about in the netting on the roof of Darlington 's Singer Sewing Centre in Bondgate .
30 There were several families under the trees now , with little children running around and babies crawling about in the grass .
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