Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [conj] none [prep] the " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Finally , the village case study revealed that none of the village practitioners were in favour of promoting the LGS message .
2 The judge concluded that none of the documents or the contents of them satisfied the requirement of the kind of confidential information which an employer is entitled to prevent an ex-employee from using after the termination of the employer/employee relationship .
3 Though the benches at the lower trestles were filling up quickly , Isabel saw that none of the nobles had as yet put in an appearance .
4 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
5 A union spokesman said that none of the people arrested were from the sacked Timex workforce .
6 Mr. Gardiner for Woolwich accepted that none of the cases directly vouched the principle but argued that a detailed analysis of authority from the 18th century to date supported its existence .
7 Mr Kerr added that none of the companies that had received the irregular payments had been required to repay money .
8 Rostov saw that none of the leaves which had fallen were withered or had changed colour , and the ground below every tree was covered by a soft carpet which was perhaps a metre thick .
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