Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] keep an eye on " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the day those working the lifts and keeping an eye on skiers actually — wait for it — smiled .
2 Mary organized the plates and kept an eye on his carving .
3 ‘ I did his personal tax return and kept an eye on his investments . ’
4 She knows that if she had pointed this out to William , and expressed her own wish to take child , and papers , to the Common , William would obligingly have offered to stay at home and chop carrots and peel potatoes and keep an eye on the lamb in the oven .
5 Clive returned to England almost immediately to go into Parliament and keep an eye on East India Company policy in London , but his followers — whose idea of moderation ran on much the same lavish lines — remained in control of Bengal .
6 By following Andy Kyle he could keep just ahead of the final match , make a progress round the entire course and keep an eye on his stake .
7 Leave both glasses in the same place and keep an eye on them for about half an hour .
8 They wo n't live in but will call regularly , feed pets and plants and keep an eye on things .
9 Keep it in the quarantine tank , cease medication and keep an eye on it for the next few months .
10 There is no treatment for tumours , but it is best , if possible , to isolate the fish and keep an eye on them .
11 Although a library committee of some sort existed before the project invitation , the head reports that : It was no more than three of four people who were simply monitoring the use of the library and keeping an eye on the books that we needed and the way children used the library .
12 For the first month of her life Mrs MacDonagh had taken the baby into her own house , along with Eleanor 's eighteen-month-old brother Patrick , and she had bottle fed the baby and kept an eye on her brother amidst the debris of her own life and the squalor of her enormous family .
13 She paid an extra dollar a week for Mrs Benson to put Maria to bed and keep an eye on her , but somehow she did n't think that Mrs Benson was all that reliable as a child-watcher .
14 As time passed he compared notes , revised his dosages and kept an eye on the testing programme , but the thought that it was wrong does not appear to have troubled him for long .
15 The wife come in she stays up around the corner and keeps an eye on the on a Saturday .
16 It was Marian 's work to drive the swine out onto the slope and keep an eye on them .
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