Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [subord] i got [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I was going to garden for some active therapy but when I got there I thought better of it .
2 I had my camera with me and I saw there was a ladder up on the top deck and when I got up on the top deck it was quite a giddy height , not to be bit I looked at the mast then I climbed up the mast up three quarters of the way up the mast and er the view from up there looked right down on the causeway .
3 To cap all I suffered a physical hallucination as I staggered up the road beyond the inlet of Enard Bay : I could clearly see a row of cottages at the top of the hill but when I got there , they had vanished .
4 I jogged , sprinted towards my inanimate friend and when I got there I was so relieved I wanted to cry .
5 By this time it was approaching midnight and when I got back to camp and rang Bomber Command the duty officer was most reluctant to put me through to " Bomber " Harris .
6 I thought she was a friend but when I got here she had changed .
7 I walked from Holborn but as I got close I discovered the attraction of setting foot in there again had faded rather badly . ’
8 The idea was that I 'd go for a fortnight but when I got there she gave me the bum 's rush so I spent a couple of miserable days in France and then hared it back to England .
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