Example sentences of "[noun] [be] confine to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My own misgivings are confined to the sobering thought that I would have so little to offer , either in products or services .
2 Spinelets are confined to the radial shields in G. arcticus and more closely resemble large granules .
3 G. caputmedusae differs from G. arcticus ( Fig. 8 ) as follows : the arms are densely covered in granules which are absent or sparse in G. arcticus ; in G. arcticus the granules or low spinelets are confined to the radial shields with a very sparse scattering of smaller granules interradially .
4 At first , his research was confined to the cosmetic uses of essential oils , but he soon realised that many of these oils had powerful antiseptic properties as well .
5 BrdUrd labelling was confined to the superficial zone of human gastric crypts ( Fig 1 ) .
6 I suppose also the that the slang term was confined to the esoteric vocabulary of sailors for a hundred years , until the rise of the boffins in World War II brought it to the attention of the general public .
7 Until those dates , customers below the thresholds are confined to the published tariffs , based on the old legal obligation imposed on the suppliers to offer the same terms to all comers .
8 G. caputmedusae is confined to the eastern Atlantic and has been recorded from Norway south to the Bay of Biscay with a bathymetric range of 150–1200 m .
9 MNR officials disputed the government side 's assertion that all Zimbabwean troops were confined to the immediate area of the Beira and Limpopo corridors , a key provision of the Dec. 1 Rome agreement [ see p. 37909 ] .
10 Most of the spectral distribution is confined to the central maximum which has a positive upper frequency boundary of .
11 For the next three centuries there was no further trouble within the Province of Britannia , and all the military problems were confined to the northern frontier , except that in the late second century the Brigantes seem to have been in a state of unrest , but the historical reference is far from clear .
12 Sailing is confined to the local bay , and we show you how to rig and stow the craft .
13 Discussion of this transformation was confined to the great tradition of philosopher-scientists beginning with Aristotle , continuing with medieval authors , such as Oresme and Jordanus , and ending with Kepler , Galileo , Descartes and , of course , Newton .
14 ( 6 ) Tender offer advertisements are confined to the strict terms of the offer and certain factual statements permitted by SAR 4 .
15 The pathological features are confined to the central nervous system and include neuronal loss , astrocytic gliosis , and spongiform change .
16 This would suggest that the east-west road at this point had not been substantially modified and that the mid to late second-century redevelopment was confined to the intra-mural zone .
17 Julian 's main impact was confined to the Eastern provinces .
18 This volume was confined to the central area because excavation was restricted to the ‘ core ’ of the plan in order to avoid undermining the existing external wall foundations ( Fig 43 ) .
19 In zebrafish ( for mouse , see ref. 26 ) , transcripts of engrailed genes are confined to the posterior midbrain and the presumptive cerebellum at 14h of development ( Fig. 4 f ) .
20 At the present time most of the alterations affecting the spit are confined to the southern end , where it is weakest .
21 Argument before the House of Lords in B's appeal and the judgments were confined to the certified question .
22 These effects of cisapride were confined to the mid and distal oesophagus .
23 The choline-containing phospholipids make up the major fraction of the lipid exposed at the cell surface , while the negatively charged phospholipids are confined to the cytoplasmic surface of the bilayer .
24 The mosaics in S. Apollinare are confined to the triumphal arch and the apse ( PLATE 31 ) .
25 The sociability is confined to the original setting .
26 In South Wales the part of the winter that could be devoted to training was confined to the pre-Christmas period because of the January start to ground preparation for the early potato crop .
27 This study thus confirmed our theory that the proliferating compartment of the background colonic crypts is confined to the normal position , even when the crypts affect the initial stage of development of adenomas .
28 Almost all the surviving evidence for the streets is confined to the walled area which enclosed 8 ha ( 20 acres ) , even though occupation debris is known to be far more extensive .
29 Often the perspiration is confined to the upper part of the body .
30 Our results indicate that this effect of phosphate is confined to the proximal small intestine because increased dietary phosphate did not significantly increase the solubility of fatty acids in the ileum , colon , and faeces ( Fig 2 ) .
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