Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] i shall [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ah , the time has come , my friends , ’ he informed William and Joe , ‘ that the world shall know what an artiste it has in Auguste Didier and I shall begin with your whiting , messieurs . ’
2 I 've got fifty pounds bid and I shall sell at fifty if there 's no further bids at fifty pounds only at fifty pounds , you all done at fifty ?
3 Most of the experiments on this topic have , however , been conducted with human subjects and I shall begin by reviewing this work before turning to an analysis of the relatively few further studies that have used animal subject to pursue the phenomenon revealed by Lawrence .
4 It is n't a game , I am going to learn about hens and I shall look after them entirely myself . ’
5 ‘ I told you , Murphy , that although I am immensely grateful to you for helping me to repair the shed to make a hen house and for finding me the things I need , these are my hens and I shall look after them .
6 In John 's Gospel , Jesus , when asked to identify the man who will betray him , answers , ‘ It is the one to whom I give the piece of bread that I shall dip in the dish . ’
7 Like the hon. Member for Walsall North ( Mr. Winnick ) , my hon. Friend anticipates a point that I shall come to .
8 Gandhi recognizes the dangers of making a fetish of ahi and I shall return to these questions .
9 And so to next month 's final article when I shall report on the outcome of the trip to Gresford and give a full report on the practical side of the GPS navigating system .
10 I 'm speaking here of the period of conventional warfare by the way , this is not the case with nuclear war as I shall show in a later lecture .
11 At two hundred and twenty pounds two forty two sixty , two eighty three hundred three hundred pounds , three twenty on the aisle three fifty three eighty three eighty on the aisle , bidding sir ? for three that bid 's on the aisle , three eighty , any more at three hundred , four hundred four hundred and twenty on the aisle at four twenty , now any more at four hundred and twenty pounds and I shall sell at four hundred and twenty pounds .
12 Are you all done then at fifty pounds and I shall sell at fifty pounds .
13 Two thousand six hundred pounds and I shall sell at two thousand six hundred pounds .
14 It 's with me then at four hundred pounds and I shall sell at four hundred pounds .
15 These channels make the membrane permeable to ions or molecules , which can then enter the cell and act as signals for the initiation of the biochemical cascades which ultimately lead , in ways that I shall describe in the next chapter , to the synthesis of new synaptic membrane components and hence to synaptic remodelling .
16 The title is imitated from the delightful Ivy and Stevie ( about Ivy Compton-Burnett and Stevie Smith by Kay Dick , though my materials are very different from hers and therefore the pattern that I shall construct from them must also be very different .
17 However , there is one wee flaw that I shall draw to his attention — all local authorities have full cost recovery on their meat inspection systems .
18 I shall return to the ( pull ) set as an example of phono-lexical alternation , largely because such alternation appears to be typical of dialect-divergent communities , and is extremely important in the arguments that I shall develop in later chapters on phonological change and on the effects of strong and weak social ties in communities .
19 I thought that rather an inelegant phrase and I shall return to it .
20 My hon. Friend gave the details and I shall return to them in a moment .
21 Well , I shall move out when it suits me but I want you to know that the contents of these rooms are mine and I shall fight for them in Court if need be . ’
22 Should the final print of the Catechism include the text as leaked on the use of the death penalty you have my assurance that I shall write to the Pope and Cardinal Ratzinger to express my disapproval and condemnation .
23 Lot forty two Lot forty two is the er large selection of auction catalogues and we 've got a sample showing , there we are works of art for you twenty pounds for them at twenty pounds anyone want them for twenty pounds sample showing for twenty pounds , anyone want them for twenty , thank you sir , twenty pounds I 've got in the centre and I shall sell at twenty if there 's no further bid at twenty pounds , any more ?
24 This time , the exact number of moves per game was not fixed at 200 but was left open , for a good reason that I shall come to later .
25 I shall nevertheless vote against the motion and I shall vote for the amendment although as much as I wished it had happened or , or erm a different proposal to Mr because I do n't think it helps your argument when you call your opponents instead of arguing face and er unlike Mr I actually do believe its in subsidiarity and I think we should accept Leicester and Leicester only and what the Leicester hunt will do should be decided here in Leicester , not in Westminster , er any more than the composition of our offices should be , should be decided in Brussels and I believe in subsidiarity .
26 ‘ I do not suppose , however , that you will be applying for the position so I shall wait for Alain to send a few people here for me to see .
27 There are possible complications of a curable cancer and I shall have to be monitored regularly by Charing Cross Hospital ( because moles are so rare it is centralised ) until my hormone levels return to normal ( This could be for up to two years ) .
28 I find that the weather and seasonal changes play a large part in my ideas about landscape and I shall persist in stalking the same places throughout the seasons and years .
29 I am glad that the hon. Gentleman is in favour of more Government publicity campaigns and I shall listen to his advice on that .
30 It is in this context of agnosticism that I shall look at my fourth question , ‘ what can we do about it ? ’
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