Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [verb] all over [art] " in BNC.

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31 Families are like constellations of stars : we see each one as an entity , because they make some recognisable design , yet the individual stars are scattered all over the universe , apart .
32 ‘ At a lower level , players are tackled all over the field .
33 Reporters and photographers were swarming all over the sanatorium that day .
34 On the other hand , its members were scattered all over the United Kingdom , which made a northern town central .
35 Will he assure the House that the new planning practice guidance that he is to issue will give planners teeth , and not just false teeth , to deal with the unauthorised developments being built all over the country ?
36 During Friday 20 May and Saturday the 21st the fierce chase continued , during which some of the French ships were scattered all over the Channel ; a few , like the Spanish Armada before them , only escaped by sailing right round the British Isles .
37 Though the Swan was more sophisticated than the Queen 's Head , it was only a matter of minutes before servants , ostlers and maids were scampering all over the large and comfortable hotel to see to the minutest needs of the ‘ Honourable Member of Parliament ’ , ‘ brother to an Earl ’ , who had landed on them at an unexpectedly late hour and naturally — ‘ a Colonel as well ’ — demanded the best of everything both for himself and for his ( temporary — ‘ from Keswick ’ ) servant and his ( ‘ pale-looking ’ ) daughter .
38 But the furniture is made all over the place although 's our best maker and he 's up in Scotland .
39 Although Shaker has become fashionable and ‘ Shaker style ’ furniture is appearing all over the place , very little of it bears much relation to the real thing .
40 ‘ You 're still listening to a bad PA , the music 's blowing all over the place , people are crashed out in the mud … it 's exactly the same ! ’
41 It was usually something quite silly and trivial , like leaving the taps running in the bath huts or over-stuffing the dustbins so that mess and litter was spread all over the ground , but sometimes someone 's carelessness resulted in the whole inadequate drainage system being completely overloaded and clogged up .
42 Cherry was spread all over the chaise longue , looking a little more or less natural in his crepe-de-Walthamstow gown .
43 ‘ There 's a sub-heading ‘ Knickers ’ and it says ‘ Passengers complained her green knickers were flying all over the place . ’
44 By the 1900s , British Arts and Crafts houses were admired all over the world .
45 Savings groups were formed all over the country and children ran their own campaigns in schools .
46 And most of us have a general sense that things are pretty gloomy for people in the Third World : we might remember that Sudanese women must walk hours in search of firewood , that Brazilian peasants are still going hungry , that children are dying all over the world of something as simple and easily treatable as diarrhoea .
47 Since their receptive fields are scattered all over the visual field the rabbit 's brain is kept well-informed about movements all around it .
48 As a result the British Zeta results were splashed all over the world 's newspapers ( New Scientist , 20 January , p 166 ) .
49 Nevertheless , in the late 1960s , mini-skirts were distributed all over the world and could be ( if preserved ) the index fossil for that epoch .
50 Silence was descending all over the city .
51 Beth had a mind to go after him , but then Cissie called out , ‘ I 'm cold , and my hair 's dripping all over the place .
52 Counties are designated all over the south .
53 Max Jacob was homosexual , trying desperately to look distinguished in his top hat , evening dress , spats and monocle , whilst Modi 's affairs with women were known all over the quarter .
54 This myth is believed all over the world despite the fact that the weight of the armour makes it impossible for the clam to close rapidly .
55 The conversation was hopping all over the place like a dakkabug on a griddle .
56 Her story was plastered all over the December issue of Playboy and every time he switched on the television , she was there repeating it all as a multitude of chat-show hosts clamoured to get her on their programmes .
57 The truck was skidding all over the autobahn , skating over the ice-rink surface .
58 Nemba events are staged all over the North of England with the final held at Eston , Middlesbrough .
59 Metal castings were exported all over the world and an industrial proletariat developed very early .
60 Liquid or granulated , sugar by the tanker load is delivered all over the UK in a fleet of sparkling liveried vehicles , for use in soft drinks , confectionery and canned foods .
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