Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [prep] [art] [adj] days " in BNC.

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1 Strangely , the school probably now has firmer links , and certainly greater knowledge , of the tropics and hygiene than in the pioneering days of Ronald Ross and Patrick Manson 80 or more years ago .
2 ( It is worthy of note at this stage that Harris never received his full complement of aircraft and in the final days of the Bomber Offensive his maximum strength of first line aircraft was only 1,625 of which 200 were Mosquitos , ) in one of my Staff College lectures .
3 But it was only somewhere about thirty degrees Celsius and after a few days I had become accustomed to the change in temperature .
4 A letter from G. Espin to Councillor Fraser re the waste of public money in erecting a new wire fence on the footpath between Baberton Mains Estate and Juniper Green and in a few days ripping it out and replacing it with a chestnut type wooden fence .
5 His light-hearted and amusing banter hid a serious and thoughtful approach to work and to life in general , and one became aware that it was a privilege to know and work with him , both at Woolley Hall and in the early days of Bretton where he came one day each week to teach painting .
6 After a few days of premonitory seismic activity , the eruption started on 15 January and for a few days well-developed Vulcanian activity continued , with frequent explosions and a great eruption cloud reaching up to 10,000 metres .
7 The remaining cousins signed their copies of the memorandum , either on the day of the funeral or within a few days afterwards .
8 The Peace People now have a much lower profile than in the early days , and despite a flurry of newspaper articles at its 10-year anniversary in 1986 , it is still fairly anonymous .
9 The tub is kept in a warm place and within a few days is crawling with worms .
10 There were but six people on board , all of whom were killed and although the event was duly reported in the press and other media as one might expect , the world proceeded with its normal business and within a few days the matter had receded into the background .
11 No one had ever seen a bride or groom walk to their wedding ; even the very poor found a car for that day and in the old days they had gone by trap or sidecar .
12 For instance , even today they both use the same gauge guitar strings because in the old days it was cheaper to buy one gauge in bulk .
13 The strange , abstract and logically fantastic world of the mathematicians remained somewhat isolated both from the general and the scientific public , perhaps more so than before , since its main contact with both , physics ( through physical technology ) , appeared at this stage to have less use for its most advanced and adventurous abstractions than in the great days of the construction of a celestial mechanics .
14 In the ‘ apocalyptic discourse ’ of Mark 13 , Jesus promises the disciples that in the coming days when they are out preaching the gospel , they will be put on the spot time and again when arrested and unjustly accused .
15 Will my hon. Friend remind Opposition Members that in the heady days of politician-directed industrial strategy in the 1970s Britain had a deficit on our steel trade of £1 billion per year and British Steel lost £16 billion during that decade , whereas now British Steel is the most efficient steel maker in Europe and we have a surplus on our steel trade of £1 billion per year ?
16 There has , however , been some revival of the device , especially with modern private presses affecting a fondness for the past and for the great days of the colophon , beginning with the great Mainz Psalter of Fust and Schoeffer in 1457 .
17 The flag has always been a symbol of the militant faith of the Salvation Army and in the early days of the movement invariably became the main target for the larrikins or hoodlums who did their best to destroy the marches and meetings .
18 It was founded by Stan Barnet and Sid Dicker and in the early days met behind the grandstand on match days .
19 Insignia Solutions Ltd , High Wycombe , Buckinghamshire , is reminding the world that in the early days of Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT , all anyone will be able to use in it is Insignia 's SoftPC — integrated within NT to provide the MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows emulation environment that must suffice for almost all users until 32-bit applications come along — in the version of NT that supports the R-series and Alpha chips , Insignia emulates the iAPX-86 CPU and other hardware including graphics boards , disk controllers and floppy disk drives .
20 Insignia Solutions Ltd , High Wycombe , Buckinghamshire , is reminding the world that in the early days of Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT , all anyone will be able to use in it is Insignia 's SoftPC — integrated within NT to provide the MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows emulation environment that must suffice for almost all users until 32-bit applications come along — in the version of NT that supports the R-series and Alpha chips , Insignia emulates the iAPX-86 CPU and other hardware including graphics boards , disk controllers and floppy disk drives .
21 Except , a small protective inner voice prompted her hurtfully , that I 'm no long-term threat to your person or your property because in a few days ' time at the very most I shall be out of your land and out of your life .
22 But his work with the London Free School and around the early days of the UFO club , indicated the change in his priorities since Centre 42 and CND .
23 This was the traditional mooring place for dahabeeyahs and in the old days , before Mr Cook had come with his steamers , there would have been over two hundred of them nudging the bank .
24 At 1 p.m. it rode round Madrid with the other Councils in full dress to restore order and in the following days it co-operated with the French authorities in the collection of arms .
25 Both of them could attribute their popularity to the fact that in the old days , when opening hours were not so well controlled , they stayed open longer than others , with the result that patrons of The Cock and The Bull were usually the most tipsy .
26 There were ceilidhs round the peat fires and on the fine days we explored the moors and sea cliffs .
27 Exhibitions and trade shows work can be great fun — there is a chance to meet many new faces , stay in good hotels , have jolly meals with new-found colleagues and for a few days live in a different and , almost always , pleasant if busy world .
28 ‘ As they approached I hoped they would ask me to join them for dinner as in the old days , ’ he recalls .
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