Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it [is] [adv] known " in BNC.

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1 The ancient Dwarf hold of Karak Ungor has become so infested with Night Goblins that it is now known as Red Eye Mountain .
2 Desktop Sunergy Classics will run a 50MHz Tsunami ( or MicroSparc as it is officially known ( UX No 406 ) ) , and are rated at 22.6 SPECint(92) , 17.4 SPECfp(92) and around 14 MFLOPS .
3 Pravda , the leading anti-Yeltsin newspaper in Moscow , has printed excerpts of what it claims is a memo from Mr Primakov , dated March 21st 1992 , in which the spook outlined the properties of red mercury , or mercuric salt of antimonous acid as it is also known , in detail .
4 This traditional form of taxation remains in an amended form for non-domestic ratepayers but domestic rates have been replaced by the community charge , or poll tax as it is popularly known .
5 This date is too late for the birth of Jesus as it is well known that Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great , who died in 4 BC .
6 Hyenas have always been thought of as scavengers but it is now known that they are also vigorous nocturnal hunters .
7 She says he 's very happy and it 's very important to him that 's he 's arrived at Stoke Manceville because it 's well known .
8 The terms of reference are reproduced here in full because they provide an interesting example where the overall objective behind the policy development is clear — improved financial results or , in other words , reducing the size of the state subsidy or Public Service Obligation as it is correctly known .
9 Someone looking after a partner or relative with Alzheimer 's disease — or senile dementia as it is also known — has particular problems .
10 Solanum tuberosum , or the potato as it is better known , has a history both ancient and glorious .
11 Based on research done at Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Centre or , PARC as it is widely known , the Apple Lisa was the first commercial micro to take these concepts to the mass market .
12 This oracle speaks of a brother as the instrument of death , which fits with the case as it is yet known .
13 North sea operators are given dispensations , not only when there are equivalent or higher alternative arrangements in place but in some cases when it is well known to the authorities that the platforms are operating at a level that would not be allowed if they were completely new platforms .
14 Our young gallant here , ’ he waved his hand contemptuously at Geoffrey , ‘ was asked to accompany us to the parapet but it 's well known he 's terrified of heights . ’
15 However it would appear that Hahnemann was a couple of centuries ahead of his time because it is now known that the DNA of certain viruses can incorporate itself into our own genome , our own inherited material .
16 The town also boasts , in its main street , a remarkable seventeenth-century mansion , the Freuler Mansion or Palace as it is locally known , built for a local man who acquired riches in the service of the French crown as a colonel of mercenaries ( a not uncommon employment for the Swiss in those days ) .
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