Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it [was/were] suggest that " in BNC.

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1 The Committee then discussed the possibility of lobbying through various political contacts and it was suggested that Tom Burt get in touch with the office of Lord James Douglas-Hamilton to see when it might be possible to have a talk with him .
2 It soon became apparent that the whole report could not be considered in a single meeting and it was suggested that another meeting be arranged to continue with it .
3 Dan Wagoner 's own new work , first staged in Plymouth in October , has a jokey title , Turtles All The Way Down , and has something to do with a Bertrand Russell lecture when it was suggested that the Earth is not round but carried on the back of a giant tortoise which stands on turtles all the way down .
4 Following on this discussion , the shop decided that it needed to have a policy on career development and it was suggested that ACTS and Staff Council should produce a joint paper. ; A group is to be formed to look at the paper with Sarah Hughes , Bridget Middleton and Peter West in consultation with colleagues ; they will consult with Staff Council concerning a joint paper .
5 They refrained from claiming until that date because they had a contract with the yard for another tanker and it was suggested that they feared that , if they initiated the claim before the tanker was delivered , the yard might have refused to deliver .
6 In this instance a direct challenge is made to the expertise of the teachers and their professional skills — areas that had been defended by the Curriculum Deputy when it was suggested that the Bursar might become involved in interviews for community posts .
7 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
8 Although he made such an excellent impression on the journey that it was suggested that he should remain with the Princess as her secretary , he left the royal party at Utrecht .
9 The study was carried out on trees of greater than 30 cm girth at breast height and it was suggested that the differences between the sites were due to the soils , the podzols of Sepilok being less fertile than those at Kuala Lompat .
10 On the outbreak of war the Iraqi army , including recalled reservists , numbered some 955,000 , of whom 620,000 were estimated to be committed to the Kuwaiti theatre of operations ( however , post-war evaluation called seriously into question initial Western intelligence estimates and it was suggested that the figure was nearer 300,000 ) .
11 I would , I worry terribly much about this discussion and it was suggesting that men are somehow the root of all evil and all
12 Tom is a constituent and it was suggested that he , Andrew and Iain go to see Lord James ( who has responsibility for Scottish Home Affairs ) .
13 This line of attack was given a great impetus when it was suggested that the wave/particle duality characteristic of light might be a universal phenomenon .
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