Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] could find [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Monks then agreed to pay Fagin some money if he could find Oliver again , and more money if he could turn the poor boy into a thief . ’
2 The contents of the saddle-bags he crammed into his wallet but there was more food than he could find room for .
3 I sauntered about for an hour before I could find Sir James Macdonald …
4 The Irish are so enthusiastic about their golf that you could find crowds of unmanageable proportions if there was not this control .
5 Herbert agreed to pay his passage and give him an allowance until he could find work .
6 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
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