Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] can tell [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I can not remember my first day hunting but I can tell you a normal day of all-day hunting .
2 Er , turning to the media investments , well we all tend to think that the er , the bids tended to be on the high side but er , at least Yorkshire got the licence for the next ten years and they have the option in ninety eight to go for a further ten years and I can tell you er , because I 've had er , lots of conversations with Clive that they 're really working on , on making the best improving their returns from that franchise and I 'm quite sure they 'll succeed .
3 Let's show you a typical penguin day and you can tell us when we 're wasting energy
4 " Well , I suppose we 'd better go and see the Chief Rabbit and you can tell him about it .
5 The world does funny things but I can tell you that 's the furthest thing from my mind at this point in time .
6 I 'm watching it on television so I can tell you what happens . ’
7 I 'll phone you once a week and you can tell me how you 're getting on . ’
8 the , it 's been put to me to er interview various people or listen to other people if they can tell me about
9 ‘ I hope John does n't hear about the bombing , or our Eileen or Joe before we can tell them we 're all safe , ’ Anne said .
10 I run into the arms of Andy 's parents walking with the dogs near the ornamental ponds and it seems like an age before I can tell them what 's happened because my voice wo n't work and I can see the fear in their eyes and they 're asking , ‘ Where is Andrew ?
11 I 'd be most obliged if you 'd open your door so I can tell you what this is about . ’
12 The most revealing anecdote that I can tell you about that is from Coventry .
13 If you 're in the market for the product of Citroen 's '70s Maserati connection , you will already know more about the model than I can tell you here .
14 Any that you used to go in a lot that you can tell me about ?
15 Well there 's an organization in Radford who can help out with both of these things they 're called A T O Training and they can tell you all you need to know about things like application forms and interview techniques as well as advice about further education and wan t what to do if you want to start your own business .
16 ‘ Friends , ’ she continued turning her back on him , ‘ by a miracle the settlement has fallen into our hands and I can tell you that the late Lord Chatwin left everything to his son and heir . ’
17 ‘ I 've seen all the other sides and I can tell you I 'd honestly rather be at Everton than at any other club .
18 Because I 'm specially pleased with you I 'll let you buy me something to eat from your winnings and you can tell me what Constable Aplin was saying to you just before I came along . ’
19 She went on : ‘ I 'll make another guess and you can tell me whether I 'm right or way off target .
20 Because he is a member and he can tell you about it .
21 ‘ Right , let's get in out of this damn rain before you catch your death and you can tell me what the hell this is all about . ’
22 Do let's chat again some time and you can tell me all the gossip about Buck 's new tenants . ’
23 I 'll give my share to your mother and you can tell her you bought it from me ; that way she 'll be content and you 'll be a few pounds better off .
24 You know up the side street but now it 's used as a as a store house but you can tell it 's a it 's an old establishme and and they used to get full you know .
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