Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] is [adv] known " in BNC.

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1 The ancient Dwarf hold of Karak Ungor has become so infested with Night Goblins that it is now known as Red Eye Mountain .
2 Desktop Sunergy Classics will run a 50MHz Tsunami ( or MicroSparc as it is officially known ( UX No 406 ) ) , and are rated at 22.6 SPECint(92) , 17.4 SPECfp(92) and around 14 MFLOPS .
3 Firstly , it is inadvisable to take remedies consisting of mixtures as no homoeopathic provings have been done on mixtures and it is not known whether the effects of these are different from the effects of their individual components .
4 Pravda , the leading anti-Yeltsin newspaper in Moscow , has printed excerpts of what it claims is a memo from Mr Primakov , dated March 21st 1992 , in which the spook outlined the properties of red mercury , or mercuric salt of antimonous acid as it is also known , in detail .
5 This traditional form of taxation remains in an amended form for non-domestic ratepayers but domestic rates have been replaced by the community charge , or poll tax as it is popularly known .
6 A milkman who serves the same customers every day and who is usually known to them personally will clearly have sufficient contact .
7 This date is too late for the birth of Jesus as it is well known that Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great , who died in 4 BC .
8 Hyenas have always been thought of as scavengers but it is now known that they are also vigorous nocturnal hunters .
9 Our solutions containing rice derived glucose polymer promoted the highest water obsorption in the secretory state but it is not known whether increasing the polymer concentration ( but maintaining ORS hypotonicity ) would enhance water absorption by further stimulating active glucose transport or whether water absorption would be jeopardised , even by a moderate increase in osmolality .
10 The terms of reference are reproduced here in full because they provide an interesting example where the overall objective behind the policy development is clear — improved financial results or , in other words , reducing the size of the state subsidy or Public Service Obligation as it is correctly known .
11 Someone looking after a partner or relative with Alzheimer 's disease — or senile dementia as it is also known — has particular problems .
12 At the time of the investigation , 300 cases were still in hospital and it is not known how many will later develop cirrhosis of the liver , to which veno-occlusive disease is known to be contributory factor .
13 From there she could have travelled to France or Belgium but it is not known whether she boarded a ferry .
14 Husameddin 's argument , moreover , ignores the facts that Shams al-Din is known to have been part of Molla Fenari 's name but not , so far as can be discovered , of that of his son and that the son was regularly referred to as Mehmed Sah whereas it is not known that Molla Fenari ever was .
15 Solanum tuberosum , or the potato as it is better known , has a history both ancient and glorious .
16 In the language of sociobiology , " kinship " , outside the immediate bond of mother/infant and , perhaps , sibling/sibling , is a biological relationship which may be discovered by the research worker but which is not known to the actors in the scenario under observation .
17 In particular it is not known whether they have been formed in relation to present sea level , in very much the same way as it is not known whether the wavecut platform round Britain was formed entirely in relation to present sea level .
18 Based on research done at Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Centre or , PARC as it is widely known , the Apple Lisa was the first commercial micro to take these concepts to the mass market .
19 This oracle speaks of a brother as the instrument of death , which fits with the case as it is yet known .
20 North sea operators are given dispensations , not only when there are equivalent or higher alternative arrangements in place but in some cases when it is well known to the authorities that the platforms are operating at a level that would not be allowed if they were completely new platforms .
21 She had lived there for some time although it is not known where she lived before coming to Darlington .
22 However it would appear that Hahnemann was a couple of centuries ahead of his time because it is now known that the DNA of certain viruses can incorporate itself into our own genome , our own inherited material .
23 The town also boasts , in its main street , a remarkable seventeenth-century mansion , the Freuler Mansion or Palace as it is locally known , built for a local man who acquired riches in the service of the French crown as a colonel of mercenaries ( a not uncommon employment for the Swiss in those days ) .
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