Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] arrive at the " in BNC.

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1 Race 's power to surprise fades as we progress through the 400-odd pages of ‘ raw ’ talk and we arrive at the conclusion more exhausted than enthralled .
2 Luke was slowing the car as they arrived at the restaurant , one of the most famous in Taipei , Maria knew , and an immaculately uniformed parking attendant was approaching .
3 What was the true intention of the parties when they arrived at the agreement pleaded by the defendants in para. 5 of the amended defence ?
4 As usual , he was at his desk before she arrived at the office , and , as always , she felt that brief but undeniable shock of pleasure at seeing him .
5 The Modular Examinations Committee uses the ‘ 21 rule ’ in considering the eligibility of students to continue for honours when they arrive at the end of the third year with less than 18 passes .
6 Yanto cycled on down the wharf , dodging the mooring ropes until he arrived at the berth of a small Norwegian timber boat called ‘ Marit , ’ registered in Oslo .
7 ‘ You could say that … ’ he began cautiously , and after that Kate ensured the conversation stayed firmly on business rails until they arrived at the hotel which the team used when testing in the south of France .
8 Like everyone else on holiday , he thought he had ‘ got away from it all ’ for a few days until he arrived at the famous White Horse Inn and was confronted by … fellow Fellow ( ! )
9 Constance was startled by Miss Hatherby 's appearance when she arrived at the Hall .
10 Opened by another Mr Perkins who was staying at the same hotel , the package was passed to police who were ready and waiting for the actor when he arrived at the hotel in Cardiff .
11 This will mean that the waves from the slits will not be in phase with each other when they arrive at the screen : in some places the waves will cancel each other out , and in others they will reinforce each other .
12 One day as I arrived at the palace my horse shied at the sight of a white fragment on the ground .
13 The pensioner , who needed sedation when she arrived at the Countess of Chester hospital , is still not well enough to be fully interviewed by police .
14 Two key assumptions lie behind the senior chief inspector and myself arriving at the figure of 175 .
15 Steve Hinson got a sinking feeling when he arrived at the Acorn Resource Centre for the physically disabled in West Berkshire .
16 She and Spike journeyed down the river until they arrived at the space station .
17 Baldwin did not get the King 's message until he arrived at the Travellers ' Club for lunch .
18 After reading the signpost , the user moves off in the direction of his choice until he arrives at the next crossroads .
19 The restaurant was still standing but I suspected some unpleasantness had taken place as neither of them said a word until we arrived at the hospital again .
20 The forensic officer said it was unclear from examination how the Carnlough device would operate because the materials were in a ‘ disrupted ’ state when they arrived at the laboratory .
21 He had left at 5.30 and heard Philip Drew 's voice as he arrived at the theatre at 6.00 .
22 Catalogues and mail order services share the disadvantages of offering a limited selection , and , more importantly , not allowing you the chance to examine the item until it arrives at the door .
23 The manager has been straight down the line since he arrived at the club .
24 All the same , she could feel butterflies in her stomach when she arrived at the imposing entrance to Puddephat 's college at twelve .
25 During this time the egg passes along her oviduct ( egg-laying tube ) so that it is ready for immediate extrusion when she arrives at the nest .
26 Brian and Deborah Curley had expected champagne and flowers when they arrived at the four star hotel on the island of Tenerife after a perfect wedding .
27 He saw the King to the gates and , coming back , heard the clangour of Elfswitha 's malevolence before he arrived at the door of their chamber .
28 He did n't allow himself to think about Zoe until he arrived at the field entrance to the cottage .
29 The BX 4x4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had , reluctantly , to admit that it was time to head for home .
30 The BX 4×4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had reluctantly to admit that it was time to head for home .
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