Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adj] [noun] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 Repot annually in March or early April and give a weak liquid feed at fortnightly intervals from May to September .
2 Even for philosophers , one suspects , it is less the philosophy than these episodes that give meaning to their own lives .
3 Two-term double modules are used mostly in humanities and social sciences and give longer periods of study for students over broader subject areas .
4 But fundamentally , of course , there is a massive overlap between the two movements in terms both of the issues and of the values and philosophical concerns that give our work any meaning at all .
5 Before applying , them it is a good idea to use an exfoliating cream to remove patches of dry skin , or these areas will tend to absorb more colour than smoother areas and give a patchy result .
6 In the meantime , we will protect consumers against high prices and poor service and give greater priority to environmental problems .
7 Felt-tips or fibre-tipped pens that give a strong , dark line are useful for children in the first classes , the disadvantage being that pressure can cause the tips to splay or split .
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