Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] have had a few " in BNC.

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1 But of course I 'd had a few drinks , and I had n't worn my glasses anyway , so when the time came to meet her I was n't quite sure what she looked like .
2 Over the years I have had a few interesting experiences with computer hardware .
3 By the time the highlights were on t.v I 'd had a few beers and was n't paying much attention !
4 Never mind you can play the Bare Naked Lady thingummybobs and er then hopefully we go oh he 's in the shop he 's had a few customers we 'll get back to John a bit later .
5 She did literally now , ever since that turn she 'd had a few months ago ; frightened of the stairs , the climb when the lifts did n't work , she rarely went out , but stayed surrounded and walled-in by belongings , old letters , cards , souvenirs scattered over the furniture .
6 B. A. I 've had a few scuffles — all the men have .
7 Every time he 'd had a few drinks , they took starring roles in the fantasies that played themselves out in his head .
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