Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] happen [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It was by chance and with the support of a visiting teacher of drawing who also happened to be a lecturer at Goldsmiths College that I succeeded in getting a place at art school , the first and last totally blind student to have ever done so in Britain .
2 The user prepares a document using Berthold fonts and sends it to a bureau for output on an imagesetter which just happens to be running Hell-Xenotron 's Bridgit .
3 Among the extra work which required a special piece of plant to be brought onto the site for one week and then returned 200 miles , there must be some extra work which just happens to be within the scope of a piece of plant which is already on site which would otherwise have been idle during the week in question .
4 Endless ads have been Green or organic , from the guy who rips his plans up to wreck the countryside and earns himself a beer , to the couple in the deodorant ad who just happen to be frolicking naked in the forest with camouflage make-up .
5 But it has become difficult to convince those hypochondriacs who also happen to be cat owners that there is no danger .
6 And some of them are good fun pop in their own right they just happen to be done in a foreign language and with different cultural influences .
7 We shall be considering The Prelude as a poem at the appropriate point in the Critical Survey ; for the moment I propose to refer to it simply as evidence of Wordsworth 's internal struggles and preoccupations , as if it were a diary or a letter to a friend which just happens to be in verse .
8 Later I mention this encounter to an old friend who just happens to be a former service supervisor for the phone company .
9 And Robert , who was by now learning the basic rule that if anybody said anything interesting it was probably Muhammad , would ask if by any chance it just happened to be a saying of the Prophet , to which the headmaster would reply , his eyes shining , ‘ That 's it !
10 Hincmar of Rheims wrote to give orders to a neighbouring count who just happened to be his kinsman : it is not hard to see how an archbishop might refer to the local counts collectively as " his " , or the draftsman of a capitulary write in general terms of " archbishops and their counts " .
11 Bank Assistants can not afford to live on their current salaries and , as has been pointed out , a Bank assistant who also happens to be a bread winner would be better off on the Dole !
12 We sometimes surprise ourselves as well as our near and dear ones by suddenly exploding into unreasonable anger over a trifling offence which just happens to be the last straw that breaks the camel 's back .
13 In this case it just happens to be true . ’
14 We 'll never know if we do n't try it at Czerny 's tempo which also happens to be Beethoven 's for his Scherzo .
15 I 'm going to multiply it by another number which also happens to be a hundred to the power a half .
16 Known throughout the army as ‘ le Capucin Botté ’ ( the Fighting Friar ) , in his entourage de Castelnau was always accompanied by his own private chaplain , a Rabelaisian Jesuit who also happened to be his nephew .
17 It thus seems likely that the junctions which are recalled may be simply the large congested ones , ones which also happen to be risky .
18 A Concorde tug was the brainchild of PC Bob Gilbert based at Maidstone , Kent who also happens to be a member of the Vulcan Association .
19 BBS seriously considered firing Hopper ; the pressure of moving a production team of twenty-three people from state to state , writing the script on the run and persuading innocent citizens of the United States of America who just happened to be passing at the time to appear in the movie , was a heavy burden for all .
20 ‘ The whole thing has got out of control , I 'm not so much bored as miserable , ’ confided Diana to a sympathetic neighbour who just happened to be a journalist .
21 Most philosophical systems of ethics , and most popular moralizing , are radically flawed because they recommend morality to us either as what it is in our own best ultimate interests to do , or alternatively try to promote it by appeal to our feelings , for example feelings of compassion , or ( like Hutcheson ) by reference to some kind of moral sentiment which just happens to be part of human nature .
22 During the 1970s several teams attempted to refute this claim , arguing that the connection is a figment of Arp 's imagination , that it is an optical illusion caused by the overlap of isophotes ( light contours ) from the two objects , or that it is an illusion caused by a star or galaxy which just happens to be located between the two objects .
23 Most of Rory 's pals in London were in the International Marxist Croup , but here he was ; wandering the hills with an upper class dingbat who just happened to be married to his sister and who lived for huntin' , shootin' and fishin' ( and seemed to spend the absolute minimum amount of time in his castle with his wife ) , and who had just last year rationalised half the work force in the glass factory out of a job .
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