Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] least [adj] of the " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , at the critical moment at least one of the mines failed to go off .
2 Some Moslem students who had been visiting the Mosque were set upon as they left by a much larger gang of Copts and in the fracas at least one of the students appeared to have been killed .
3 However , the bundling , or ‘ fasciculation ’ of axons travelling to similar destinations is a widely observed phenomenon , and in some species at least all of the axons in an individual fascicle can be identified by a unique monoclonal antibody ( Journal of Neuroscience , Vol 3 , p 369 ) .
4 Michael Maloney 's appealing , rather elfin Hal finds in Falstaff at least some of the humanity lacking in Patrick Glover 's Victorian father of a king .
5 According to a national television report at least three-quarters of the Assembly chamber was empty , but a small number of pro-Mobutu members were continuing to sit as of late October .
6 Can I say Chairman on on this report of the policy of the old policy and resources committee on the internal management of local authorities that was a very important issue because it 's I all issues are important but in particular the the seal the report is to inform the council of comments which the policy and resources committee has agreed to make the association of county councils on the recommendation of the joint working party on the internal management of local authority Now I 'm sure you , you 've waded through the report at least some of the during the last er week or so that er that you 've had it well I would advise you to turn to page thirty and thirty one because there 's lot eas and it 'll make life easier for you , if you do that and there on the bottom half of page thirty you will see the decisions of the policy and resources committee .
7 So while the champagne corks pop at tonights glittering premier at least some of the stars will be taking it easy at home — enjoying a nice fat fish instead .
8 But another forum for part of the computer industry , the Computer Services Association ( CSA ) , got what it wanted — a promise from the Government to buy in from software houses at least one-third of the applications software needed to run the ministries .
9 ‘ A recognised body shall not have as a director any person who is not a solicitor or a registered foreign lawyer ; provided that all times at least one of the directors shall be a solicitor . ’
10 A recognised body shall not have as a director any person who is not a solicitor or a registered foreign lawyer ; provided that at all times at least one of the directors shall be a solicitor .
11 In order to qualify as a small or medium-sized company in respect of a financial year , a company must satisfy for that year and the preceding year at least two of the following conditions :
12 Initially vacancies were filled from Britain , but by the late nineteenth century at least one of the three judges was Sri Lankan .
13 The widely publicised work of Basil Bernstein had made a large public at least aware of the possibility that pupils ' response to the process of education might be limited by their habitual uses of the mother tongue .
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