Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a lot of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So it 's , is it better to write a little bit about a lot of things ?
2 The Japanese had been very clever in disguising themselves as Burmans and sometimes as Buddhist monks , with the result that many of the troops looked upon the Burmese as a lot of traitors .
3 Ramsey 's own preferred subjects were literature versus science as making for happiness , modern democracy , and internationalism , in which he denounced American isolationism and had an imaginative picture of the American Middle West as a lot of boors who did not know where Europe was .
4 Well this is part of a one million er £ er campaign to try and raise money for a lot of projects that we run in eight countries in southern Africa , from Angola to Mozambique , where our , the problems are absolutely horrendous er civil war in Mozambique for example , in Malawi , one in ten of the population are refugees , principally from Mozambiquan civil war , arriving at refugee camps in Bark and absolutely nothing er at all in terms of possessions .
5 ‘ He was very candid and he gave me the benefit of his thinking about a lot of things , ’ Clinton told reporters after leaving the White House .
6 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
7 As you very well know , Sir Conrad was determined to reform the club in a lot of ways which you did n't like .
8 He opened our eyes to a lot of opportunities . ’
9 You feel that you 're a bit of burden on your friends , perhaps , because you ca n't go to the pub and buy a round of drinks , because you 're bit of a drag on a lot of activities which involve spending some sort of money .
10 McRae 's Subaru coughed like a grizzly bear , went sideways into the first of a thousand bends , spitting grit in lacerating force at a lot of spectators , as brave as the men they had come to admire then disappeared into the foreboding conifers of Grizedale Forest .
11 The other aspect Mr Mayor that I , that I want t to dwell on is the thing about housing benefits themselves , there 's been a lot of talk by a lot of speakers about benefits and er means testing in the years gone by and well okay I 'll give councillor a few more years than I have , I do n't remember the forties because I was born towards the end of them but , y'know , maybe that happened .
12 Compound curves can either be produced with a spokeshave or , in our case , on the spindle moulder with the help of a lot of jigs .
13 ‘ I must say , ’ said Constance , ‘ it 's nice to see a lot of animals sitting peacefully in their kennels like a lot of monks .
14 The services are targeted at customers with 1,000 personal computers or more , multinational companies , or companies with a lot of branches , and are intended to provide such organisations with a better return on their investment by attacking the hidden costs of installation , support , and implementation of an ever-increasing number of upgrades .
15 I do not want Sara to end up like me , an old lady with a lot of memories .
16 A lady with a lot of packages marked ‘ Shannon duty-free shop ’ said , ‘ I 'd just love chicken-burger and French fries .
17 He has visited Vietnam several times to search for missing American soldiers , a venture that plays well in his district which is home to a lot of ex-servicemen .
18 It was a very big match for a lot of players .
19 He needed room for a lot of books and wanted his chaplain and secretary to be able to live in the house .
20 'Cos , yeah , it 's just vegetables we keep because erm , or if my mother makes sort of a lot of curries or things .
21 Ramsey entered this conference with a reputation outside England as well as inside it ; and the proceedings of the conference confirmed the opinion of a lot of bishops that he ought to be their next leader .
22 ‘ Sunil waxes eloquent on the desire of a lot of men in his community to keep their wives in perfect ignorance . ’
23 I had to come to grips with a lot of things in a hurry .
24 It was a room with a lot of clocks .
25 On each level there are a couple of corridors with a lot of classrooms , leading off them .
26 This means fluffing them out and adapting them to whatever atmosphere she found herself in , and is a sure sign of contentment in a lot of birds .
27 Occasionally it can be achieved by two very different people who may not see eye to eye on a lot of things , but who are determined to try to respect and understand each other for the sake of the man they both love .
28 ‘ That kind of woman appeals to a lot of men .
29 Racing at Ayr up in Scotland where it is dry , Nottingham , Cheltenham where the Mackeson Gold Cup is , big card at Windsor with a lot of runners and finally the all-weather racing at Lingfield .
30 You , you come down through a field with a lot of beasts in it ?
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