Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adv] far as the " in BNC.

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1 She could see twigs scattered along the lane for as far as the car 's headlights reached .
2 The range of permissible investments , for instance , is defined by statute in so far as the settlement makes no provision ; but , even within the limits of investment allowed by statute or settlement , a trustee may incur liability by want of due care in exercising his discretion .
3 It is clear from Sullivan v West Yorkshire Passenger Executive [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 134 that motor engineers ' evidence can not now be excluded per se at an interlocutory stage , but Hinds v London Transport Executive [ 1979 ] RTR 103 is still good law in so far as the trial judge is still likely to disregard such evidence if it just argues out the cause of the accident without dealing with any real engineering matters .
4 Callinicos ' criticism of the ‘ postmodern ’ hypothesis contains a range of emphases , the three principal ones of which are : First : advocates of the postmodern in art ( which attains uncommon prominence in so far as the ‘ postmodern ’ is powerfully underwritten by a claimed distinction from Modernism ) , tend to misread the modern and arrogate its defining characteristics to their own period .
5 It 's a white place , like Wigan which only seems to have a Black population on Tuesday nights when the music from the Wigan Pier nightclub 's jazz-funk DJ draws in young Blacks from as far as the Midlands to body-pop .
6 Aside from the clear financial objective of an increase in the basic weekly rate to 7s 6d , the association was mainly concerned with the inconsistencies of the 1908 Act in so far as the means test mitigated against the ‘ respectable aged Britisher ’ .
7 When Insurers settle a partial loss they acquire no proprietary rights in the subject matter insured — but they become subrogated to all the rights and remedies of the Policyholder in so far as the Policyholder has been indemnified under the Policy .
8 Here , the aim of the global capitalist system is total inclusion of all classes , and especially the subordinate classes in so far as the bourgeoisie can be considered already included .
9 — they should be a ‘ peer ’ group in so far as the relationship within the group is on an equal footing .
10 Undoubtedly the risings were connected with each other in so far as the news of the initial outbreak in Essex seems to have sparked off further unrest in adjacent counties , and later in more remote parts , and it is certain that the general circumstances of the time created an atmosphere which was ripe for revolt , but the differences of aim among the different groups of rebels suggest that each had its own grievances which it hoped to right by force .
11 3.7 The expression " pain and suffering " is almost a term of art in so far as the expression embraces different concepts .
12 Acquisition of the share of one partner by another is an exception to the duty of good faith in so far as the acquiring partner is not obliged to inform his co-partners of his purchase .
13 1.3 If the goods and/or the work the subject of this order are to be used in carrying out or otherwise in connection with another contract specified overleaf this order shall be subject to the contract conditions of such specified contract in so far as the same are applicable and do not conflict with these purchase conditions .
14 On hearing this , the king gave orders for the fields around his castle to be planted with almond trees for as far as the eye could see .
15 As I have often said , I believe that Israel within her pre-1967 frontiers is a democracy , which is not true of many , if any , other states in that part of the world , but she is not a democracy in so far as the occupied territories are concerned .
16 These internal connections are explanatory of the behaviour of particles in so far as the world conforms to the model .
17 In the men 's singles contest , managed to get through to the semi final while in the triples contest , and from Draught Stout joined from Brewing to win through as far as the semi finals .
18 In reviewing the central site , consideration has been given primarily to the needs of History and of English in so far as the needs of the latter can not be satisfied on the St Cross site .
19 Finally , as will be seen below , a restrictive view towards the use of companies may be a disincentive to expansion in so far as the corporate form permits greater flexibility in the raising of outside finance .
20 Allowing for exaggeration , it is nevertheless true to say that the Emperor lived up to the Idea in so far as the re-ordering of Paris was concerned .
21 And er , on that message , er , it seems , er good enough time to say that 's er , all we have time for as far as the phone calls are concerned on the Breakfast Call this morning .
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