Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] for a period " in BNC.

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1 If you extend £100,000 of credit for a period of one year and during that year the inflation rate averages 10 per cent per annum , you will have effectively lost £1 0,000 even if you are paid in full and right on time .
2 This amount may be calculated as a fixed percentage of profit for a period , or by adjusting a notional pool of a specified amount by the percentage change in profits compared with the preceding period .
3 This method — removing an aggressive nursery school child from play for a period of one minute — was compared by researchers with a scolding and orders not to hit and with a further method of distracting ( i.e. redirecting ) him to other play .
4 Where committed facilities are in existence at the balance sheet date which permit the refinancing of debt for a period beyond its maturity , the earliest date at which the lender has the right to demand repayment should be taken to be the maturity date of the longest refinancing permitted by a facility in respect of which all the following conditions are met :
5 Double Benefits of £80 per day for a period of up to one year — if you 're hospitalised because of an accident .
6 While the milk from such farms was declared unfit for sale , farmers were also prevented in most cases from selling their cattle for slaughter for a period of several months .
7 The research concentrates on 40 Protestant and Catholic , skilled and semi-skilled , married men in two age groups ( 25-35 and 40-50 ) who will be ‘ followed ’ from the start of their spell of unemployment for a period of up to 17 months ( or until they regain paid work ) , interviews being conducted at approximately 5 month intervals .
8 Members still enjoy freedom from arrest for a period extending from 40 days before the commencement of a session to 40 days after it .
9 He said , we agree with that , he said we have decided that you will go on the detective staff on probation for a period of six months , and that means that if you like the detective staff and , and if the detective staff like you you will continue .
10 Garde à vue detention allows the police to detain suspects for interrogation for a period of up to 10 days .
11 Different in theory , but similar in effect , are the provisions of the Prescription Act 1832 , under which rights to easements and profits à prendre may be established by reason of enjoyment for a period of not less than twenty years in the one case , and not less than thirty in the other .
12 ‘ This is to certify that Color Serjeant William Nicholl served in the 8th ( or The King 's ) Regiment of Foot for a period of Twenty One Years , during which time he has invariably conducted himself as an honest , trustworthy , sober man — Given under my hand at Plymouth , This 4th day of August 1825 , J. Duffy Lf Col Commg 8th or King 's Reg . ’
13 This could , depending on the gravity of the matter , suspend the individual from practice for a period of time or even permanently .
14 And we 're shortly to appoint some erm consultant assessor who will assess our system , and we will run our , have our system in place for a period of about four months .
15 This gives an approximate value to work to , so a 20-year-old will aim to generate a pulse rate of 175 beats per minute for a period of 20 minutes or so .
16 A critical element in these surveys was that data for past and future plans were to be presented at constant prices , as it was almost impossible to interpret a time series of expenditure for a period in which prices fluctuated significantly .
17 The students spend a given amount of time per week for a period of months , with the guidance of an assigned individual in the company and with the support of the technical staff of the school or college .
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