Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] as far [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't help thinking that Cara , who had been known to take the car to go as far as the corner shop to pick up a bottle of milk , would have folded long before this .
2 Ruth got as far as the doorway and stopped dead .
3 The proposal got as far as a White Paper which suggested a two-tier system — life peers with voting rights and other members who could take part in debate but not vote .
4 In 1383 , the proposal got as far as a draft .
5 Directly across the channel was another , bigger bay , a long curving stretch of lovely white sand , with above it a sweep of green turf and bracken rising as far as the dark circle of the broch .
6 There is even evidence to suggest that elephants existed as far as the Upper Euphrates basin as late as the first millennium B.C. Syrian ivory contributed to the supplies available to New Kingdom Egypt and at the same time provided the material for the flourishing school of ivory workers based on Tyre , the products of which enriched the civilizations of the east Mediterranean and Assyria .
7 When they launched themselves into the dusk they seemed to fill the sky to the north for long minutes , and their cries reached as far as the village .
8 In a region of high rolling hills , the wall is like a gigantic roller-coaster extending as far as the eye can see to east and west ; Garvine wrote of the wall that it ‘ is built on such a scale that you would think it was the work of Gods rather than men ’ .
9 Meanwhile her friend walked as far as the bike , then rode it to the point where he met Lorna , who then rode further while he walked … and so on .
10 In the fierce noon-day sun the water stretched as far as the eye could see , in every shade of blue from palest turquoise to the deepest indigo of the horizon .
11 Seen from a hill , the dunes stretched as far as the deep blue of the horizon , above which were a few streaks of cirrus cloud .
12 ‘ Ever since my father got as far as the fourth fence when leading the field on Zimulator in L'Escargot 's year in 1975 , I have wanted to do well in the race , ’ he told me .
13 Neither is it that tonics are not requested ; large numbers of people get as far as the doctor 's surgery to complain of tiredness , lethargy and mild depression , and even larger numbers go straight to the chemist .
14 The northern part of the Adriatic coast was under Italian influence , of which the best example is Poreć ( Parenzo ) already described on pp. 116 , 119 ( 202 , 203 ) , while the mountainous central area extending as far as the southern part of the Adriatic coastline contains Serbian Byzantine churches .
15 It is a superb sight with fields of dazzling Tulips , Narcissi and Hyacinths extending as far as the eye can see in a variegated patchwork of brilliant regimented blocks .
16 Beyond the placid waters of a small lake , a golden forest of trees stretched as far as the eye could see .
17 In retrospect , was leaving Lotus alone the wrong thing to do as far as the Elan was concerned ?
18 Similarly , cosmetic surgery is seen in the professional literature as an option ( some parents choose it , some do n't ) , or even as a kind of cure , especially by the surgeons contracted to perform it , whose understanding of the issues extends as far as the principle that if people see a physically normal child they will react to it ‘ normally ’ and will elicit normal behaviour .
19 As his eyes slowly became accustomed to the half-light , he began to make out row upon row of brown tents stretching as far as the eye could see .
20 Flat fields interspersed by dykes gleaming in the June sunshine spread as far as the eye could see and skylarks hovered and trilled overhead , but Nails , cautiously taking it all in , was given no time for comment .
21 The little manor-house at Cadhay stands near at hand in the Ottery meadows , and more distant views reach as far as the great hill-fort at Hembury , built on a commanding spur of land in the late Iron Age .
22 The nun who admitted them appeared to be covered from head to foot apart from her eyes , nose , and mouth , for after she had bolted the gate behind them she tucked her bare hands into her sleeves , then led the way up a gravel path , on either side of which a lawn extended as far as a further high , stone wall , its top also embedded with glass .
23 As we watched the train 's shadows turn and fold on the snowy shore , it became clear that she had not forgotten the stories which made this much more than a stark inland sea stretching as far as the eye can follow .
24 An excursion to the top of the high alpine road of Gross Glockner will leave you breathless at the fantastic views stretching as far as the eye can see in every direction .
25 Ships were carved from the blighted forests with supernatural speed , and raiders moved as far as the Isle of the Dead before being turned back by the warding spells .
26 On particularly clear days ( the locals will tell you that midwinter provides the best of them ) the view reaches as far as the Vosges in France and Switzerland 's Jura .
27 I was sailing the Pacific , or a character in a surrealist painting ; often I was walking over the red shale past one football pitch after another , with goal-posts stretching as far as the eye could see , like white crosses over the fields of Arnhem .
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