Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv prt] [pron] [modal v] see " in BNC.

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1 No I have n't , no it 's , it 's er one thing I need to put in that one that due to wear to go in I can see those , that cream out there can you ?
2 And if I sit here tape runs out I 'll see it and click .
3 The room she was using was at the back of the house , and as she got up and walked over to the window to look out she could see a panorama of fields lying lush and green under a cloudless May sky .
4 The ceiling of the hall was also the roof of the building , and when Alexei looked up he could see the rafters , black with age , the heads of brass nails glittering across them .
5 Things will seem far worse than they actually are for a few days — but once the drama dies down you 'll see you 're in a fine position after all .
6 It 's pretty good cos when the lights go off I can see me and Marie in the window like it 's a mirror — and then when the lights come on , we disappear .
7 By the time the train moved off she could see nothing at all out of the window , she could scarcely see the window , so many people were squeezed between her and it .
8 Erm on the supplementary paper sent round you will see at I think it 's page one and two , a letter received from the Carters Mead Resident 's Association erm I hope you 've all had a chance to read that as it was circulated to members in advance .
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