Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] all [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Varig knows Brazil best , being able to serve you efficiently through 170 branch offices all over the country , with connecting flights to 77 large towns and leading cities in Brazil and South America .
2 Mr R. Bore , superintendent of Saltley Works , took charge of carriage building at Wolverton Works , the first carriage superintendent of the L & NWR , all carriage activities all over the system coming under his control .
3 And in this sense , when we liberate South Africa we will also create , we hope a state in the world which will become foremost in fighting racism all over the world and at the lower level our community based organizations our non-governmental organizations that have across colour built up structures to move communities forward if our friends in Eastern Europe and elsewhere could see how that is done at grass roots level in the hell of racism as I say they would have a lot to learn .
4 She has been invited to speak at conferences and study days all over the country .
5 Aid agencies all over the world have tried to ease their situation , but more immediate help has come from a Hereford farmer .
6 Sir John has a finger in every pie and is well known to the harbour masters all along the south coast . ’
7 Paramount closed down its London office in 1968 , declaring that ‘ we now feel that by coordinating and controlling our production activities in Hollywood we can effectively control a programme that will continue to draw from a talent pool all around the world . ’
8 Contributors to Applied Linguistics are drawn from a wide variety of teaching and research backgrounds all over the world .
9 According to Sarah Griffiths , UK Public Relations Manager , ‘ It has been creating a storm of interest at department stores all over the country . ’
10 The Super-Jug is manufactured by ABC Plastics Ltd and is on sale now price #l .20 in hardware and department stores all over the country .
11 With work on her first feature film The Delinquents behind her and a new collection of singles successfully launched with ‘ Hand On Your Heart ’ topping charts all over the globe , Kylie herself was busy adding her own mystique to this great debate .
12 That was queue outside there Tuesday mornings all along the front of the shop .
13 To return to football hooliganism in Britain itself , it is clear that the existence of ‘ ends ’ at football grounds all over the country plays a central part in maintaining working-class boys ' street-based culture .
14 Just what I need all your filthy fingers and , and mouth marks all over the glass top of the door .
15 Apply cuticle remover all round the nail and gently push down the cuticles with a rubber-tipped hoof stick , a cotton bud , or cotton wool wrapped round an orange stick .
16 No , no it 's not because B T all over the country is n't it
17 During the war she toured initially with a small company of Sadler 's Wells artists all over the country and then helped to keep the company alive by undertaking its management at a time when its very existence was threatened .
18 As we have advised before , allow for the hems and , especially in the case of a Rokkaku , for reinforcement with a cotton tape all around the sail .
19 The plant now sends ice lollies all over the world .
20 French players , former players and tennis fans all over the world are being invited to sign a petition in support of the expanded facilities and there is certainly a familiar name at the top of the list — France 's recently resigned Davis Cup captain , Yannick Noah .
21 But the council said the Government 's decision to repatriate had profound implications for asylum seekers all over the world and added that it was ‘ utterly appalled ’ by the action taken furtively in Hong Kong .
22 He 's appeared at folk festivals all over the land and is in constant demand for club work .
23 ‘ Pre-wetting ’ provides further protection — jets of seawater spray all over the ship 's superstructure , so radioactive dust can not settle .
24 In the early days of commercial TV , lots of ads were written as jingles composers such as Johnny Johnson in the UK made a fortune out of them and the best were sung by kids and ad people all over the country .
25 The architecture of Lausanne Cathedral is mainly thirteenth century Gothic , very simple , with plate tracery in the rose windows and lancet aisle windows all round the building .
26 You 've got telephone points all over the house .
27 The chap in question went to his car one day and found burn marks all over the bodywork .
28 Most of the product will be exported to Caterpillar plants all around the world . ’
29 The other evening when we had our group meetings you can just walk in that side door , you can go virtually anywhere in this building unchallenged because we ca n't have security guards all over the place .
30 And Allied Signal Corp chairman Lawrence Bossidy has initiated the UK ‘ manufacturing versus services ’ debate in the US , suggesting that for those that believe that IBM Corp should be making more , cheaper rather than shuttering factories all over the place , he might have been the right man for the job : US industry ‘ can not slash its way to prosperity , ’ he told the new Design & Manufacturing Institute of the Stevens Institute of Technology — adding that while design innovation is a US strength , ‘ we need to extend US technological excellence from the design laboratory to the manufacturing floor — American business needs to find ways to improve the speed with which we convert innovative design into high-quality , marketable product ; many of our factory floors are populated by high-school graduates or dropouts , with a few engineers serving as supervisors safely ensconced behind glass walls , ’ Bossidy said , where Japanese shop floors are staffed much more by graduate engineers who work directly with well-trained workers , to solve problems and improve manufacturing efficiency .
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