Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] in front [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Walks on the beach were impossible because the Army had covered the sands with barbed wire and netting and on the couple 's first night the skating rink in front of the Grand Hotel was burned down .
2 Avoid money discussions in front of the teenagers .
3 What I 'd like you to do is to put the January card in front of the January pages , the February card in front of the February card , pages , the March card in front of the March pages , and then the April to December cards after the thirty first of March .
4 The Yugoslav news agency , Tanjug , reported that about 5,000 students were building barricades of garbage cans in front of the Intercontinental Hotel .
5 Christina was interested too , and the two of them were in good spirits when Stephen drove into the dry , scrubby car park in front of the Crane Beach Hotel , which from that aspect seemed an unremarkable low-level with thirties undertones to the architecture .
6 Thérèse folded her tea-towel and hung it on the silver bar in front of the range .
7 My father sits in the living room in front of the television , my brothers in the dining room in silence .
8 The Peruvian headquarters of IBM Corp were severely damaged and at least 17 people were injured after urban guerrillas of the Maoist Shining Path terrorist organisation detonated a powerful car bomb in front of the computer company 's offices in southeast Lima .
9 My master pulled me back , watching the riders mill around , paying particular attention to the green-slimed horse trough in front of the Blue Boar .
10 Here , the joints and small faults are of very great significance in allowing the ingress of the sea and in affecting the detailed form of the cliff and the rock platform in front of the cliff ( Plates 24 and 25 ) .
11 Next I gave her some lavender essence to put in the bath ( a tin bath in front of the kitchen range ) .
12 Her mother had bathed her in the tin bath in front of the kitchen fire , had dried her and sat her down before the fire with a bowl of steaming hot broth .
13 On Saturday evenings everybody in the family had a bath one after another in an old tin bath in front of the fire .
14 The cooking had to be done on an open fire and , when we wanted a bath , we warmed the water in a pan and poured it into a tin bath in front of the fire .
15 I decided I did n't want a toffee-apple any more , even though I 'd seen one with a great wedge of toffee stuck to the bottom , so I pretended I 'd seen Marie passing in front of the window and I ran out and shouted , " Wait on , Marie , I 've an important message for you . "
16 It was not yet ten as he swept up to the space reserved for the Chairman 's car slap in front of the main entrance to Royalbion House .
17 Cursing under his breath , and still keeping his face averted from Huy , the man threw a handful of small silver bars in front of the fat woman , who scooped them up almost before they had settled on the surface of the table .
18 The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and PR Sprays have teamed up to produce a new booklet targeted at people approaching retirement and who believe that retirement means a life as a couch potato in front of the telly .
19 The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and PR Sprays have teamed up to produce a new booklet targeted at people approaching retirement and who believe that retirement means a life as a couch potato in front of the telly .
20 No crumbs of comfort : Michele Dodd and fiance Antony Broadhurst in front of the closed shop
21 And I 've never seen a case in which there was a fist fight in front of the cinema and they pulled the movie because of it .
22 What I 'd like you to do is to put the January card in front of the January pages , the February card in front of the February card , pages , the March card in front of the March pages , and then the April to December cards after the thirty first of March .
23 I remember teaching her some dance steps in front of the mirror in the studio , standing next to her , showing her .
24 What I 'd like you to do is to put the January card in front of the January pages , the February card in front of the February card , pages , the March card in front of the March pages , and then the April to December cards after the thirty first of March .
25 A grid of reference wires in front of the rotating map presented the hours , and as the solar image passed each wire it indicated the time as well as any sundial could .
26 Bracing herself against the movement of the boat , she clutched the crash bar in front of the cooker with one hand and pressed the other to her face .
27 On the village green in front of the Chinese Buddhist temple a fair-ground was being erected .
28 They immediately had to dive for cover , however , as the Germans had set up a pair of machine guns in front of the doors behind hastily piled crates .
29 Why was n't he in the Lady Chapel in front of the Blessed Sacrament ?
30 He raised his whisky right in front of the Apache , as if daring the Apache to try the same thing on him .
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