Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] have be reduced to " in BNC.

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1 If in one election alter another considerable numbers of electors supporting the CDU/CSU or the SPD with their first votes had not switched their second votes to the FOP its representation in the Bundestag could have been reduced to insignificance or vanished altogether .
2 Or are we to suppose that Capitalism having been displaced by Socialism in the Marxist version , work with all the disagreeable characteristics which turn it into toil or boredom will have been reduced to the bare minimum necessary to sustain society and that a consequent and vast increase in the leisure will enable us to fulfil ourselves ?
3 The debtor might have been reduced to his inability to satisfy his creditor , asserted Thomas Foxwell Buxton ,
4 The many occasions over the years when this summit has been short of water were thus inevitable unless the level of leakage could have been reduced to an absolute minimum .
5 Once the peat has gone in such places , some land may be insufficiently fertile even for growing potatoes , and the very best land in the country will have been reduced to mineral soils of only average quality .
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