Example sentences of "[noun] [be] considered to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The thrombi are considered to be secondary to local injury , stasis or cor-pulmonale .
2 The second is that the proposals are considered to be impracticable for most small companies and their auditors .
3 Only letter strings which appeared in this dictionary were considered to be correct .
4 Although the gall bladder is considered to be dispensible , its preservation may result in a reduction of post cholecystectomy syptoms .
5 Getting out of it either backwards or on the left side is considered to be unlucky .
6 The Hobbesian analogy is considered to be partial and gender-biased .
7 The presence of an attachment figure is considered to be vital to the emotional and social survival of the individual , and when attachments are threatened or removed in any way it can lead to intense forms of attachment behaviour , such as clinging , crying and extreme grief .
8 The stone free date corresponds to the first time the gall bladder was considered to be free of fragments and sludge .
9 About 15 years ago , three months was considered to be sufficient time for a sales director with two years ' service to convince his company of his competence .
10 The analysis has indicated that the sands are variably shaly and some anomalous log responses are considered to be due to the presence of secondary minerals , either as cement or detrital elements .
11 There is one flat , broad , apical papillae flanked by two rows of each of about 5 papillae flanking on each side , the row situated on the surface of the oral plates are considered to be supplementary .
12 Such disclosure is considered to be important in achieving the financial reporting characteristics of understandability and comparability .
13 Moreover , since all unproductive consumption is considered to be capitalist personal consumption , the question of the unproductive consumption of the state does not arise in his discussion at that point .
14 The propensity to engage in witchcraft is considered to be hereditary , passing from father to son and mother to daughter .
15 Given the changes over the previous decade , a further review of the size and distribution of the Leicestershire residential care sector was considered to be essential both to set an information baseline before the implementation of the National Health Service and Community Care Act and to document changes in the demography and levels of dependency of the residential care population .
16 In practice , most seats are considered to be safe seats for one or other of the two main parties — that is , the winning candidate has been returned with a majority that represents 10% or more of the votes cast .
17 The fact that this is so indicates well that scripture is considered to be sacred literature .
18 Royal Bank of Scotland does not depreciate freehold and long leasehold buildings , as any such charge is considered to be insignificant in view of their useful economic lives and estimated residual values .
19 The bible is considered to be inspired literature which is in some way normative for the religion .
20 Colitis for at least eight years is considered to be long standing .
21 Renal failure was considered to be present when plasma creatinine increased above 132 µmol/l .
22 The analysis required that any relative with Crohn 's disease in the ulcerative colitis group was considered to be normal and vice versa in the Crohn 's disease group .
23 Net fluid transport was considered to be equal to changes in the intestinal weight , which was continuously monitored by connecting the force transducer to a Grass polygraph .
24 This layer of attenuated velocity is known as the low velocity zone and the reduction in seismic wave velocities is considered to be due to partial melting in this region of the mantle .
25 A restraint is considered to be available if it is not being used by another child or adult .
26 This fascinating document , completed in 1941 , after its aged author had once again perambulated the African continent , shows the extent to which accommodation to change and the continuation of control were considered to be compatible goals of policy .
27 After further assessment six patients were considered to be inappropriate referrals and were returned for surgery ( two total obstruction , one tumour invading anus , three fit for surgery and resectable by anterior resection ) .
28 On the grounds of epidemiologic studies , based on specific serum antibodies , H pylori was considered to be uncommon in childhood and to increase progressively with age .
29 The cost of using a library was considered to be significant by all .
30 Journalist Victor Guzev , who travels with CSKA , said : ‘ In our society the players are considered to be wealthy and able to afford most things in life .
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